将maven spring-boot项目转换为多模块项目后,我开始在tomcat服务器上启动服务器时出错;
selector: 'podcast-search',
changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, // turn this off if you want everything handled by NGRX. No watches. NgModel wont work
template: `
<h1>Podcasts Search</h1>
<input name="searchValue" type="text" [(ngModel)]="searchValue" ><button type="submit" (click)="doSearch()">Search</button>
<div *ngIf="showChannels">
<h2>Found the following channels</h2>
<div *ngFor="let channel of channels$ | async" (click)="loadChannel( channel )">{{channel.trackName}}</div>
export class PodcastSearchComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
channels$: Observable<Channel[]>;
searchValue: string;
showChannels = false;
private store: Store<fromStore.PodcastsState>,
) {}
ngOnInit() {
this.channels$ = this.store.select(fromStore.getAllChannels).pipe(
filter(channels => !!channels.length),
// channels.length should always be truthy at this point
tap(channels => {
console.log('channels', !!channels.length, channels);
this.showChannels = !!channels.length;
// this.store.select( fromStore.getAllChannels ).subscribe( channels =>{
// console.log('channels', !!channels.length, channels);
// this.channels$ = of ( channels );
// this.showChannels = !!channels.length;
// this.ref.markForCheck();
// } );
doSearch() {
console.log( 'search', this.searchValue );
this.store.dispatch( new fromStore.LoadChannels( this.searchValue ) );