请帮助我解决我的错误; NullReferenceException:对象引用未设置为对象的实例

时间:2018-07-26 10:36:30

标签: c# visual-studio unity3d

嗨,我已经努力了3天,试图解决我的代码中的错误; NullReferenceException:对象引用未设置为对象的实例 Parallaxerr.Shift()(在Assets / scripts / Parallaxerr.cs:134) Parallaxerr.Update()(位于Assets / scripts / Parallaxerr.cs:82)


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Parallaxerr : MonoBehaviour

    class PoolObject
        public Transform transform;
        public bool inUse;
        public PoolObject(Transform t) { transform = t; }
        public void Use() { inUse = true; }
        public void Dispose() { inUse = false; }


    public struct YSpawnRange
        public float min;
        public float max;

    public GameObject Prefab;
    public int poolSize;
    public float shiftSpeed;
    public float spawnRate;

    public YSpawnRange ySpawnRange;
    public Vector3 defaultSpawnPos;
    public bool spawnImmediate;//particle prewarm
    public Vector3 immediateSpawnPos;
    public Vector2 targetAspectRatio;

    float spawnTimer;
    float targetAspect;
    PoolObject[] poolObjects; //step 1 ; variable declared 
    GameManager game;

    void Awake()


    void Start()
        game = GameManager.Instance;

    void OnEnable()
        GameManager.OnGameOverConfirmed += OnGameOverConfirmed;

    void OnDisable()
        GameManager.OnGameOverConfirmed += OnGameOverConfirmed;

    void OnGameOverConfirmed()
        for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
            poolObjects[i].transform.position = Vector3.one * 1000;

        if (spawnImmediate)

    void Update()
        if (game.GameOver) return;

        spawnTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (spawnTimer > spawnRate)
            spawnTimer = 0;

    void Configure()
        targetAspect = targetAspectRatio.x / targetAspectRatio.y;
        poolObjects = new PoolObject[poolSize];
        for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
            GameObject go = Instantiate(Prefab) as GameObject;
            Transform t = go.transform;
            t.position = Vector3.one * 1000;
            poolObjects[i] = new PoolObject(t);

        if (spawnImmediate)

    void Spawn()
        Transform t = GetPoolObject();
        if (t == null) return;//if true , this indicates that poolSize is too small
        Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
        pos.x = defaultSpawnPos.x;
        pos.y = Random.Range(ySpawnRange.min, ySpawnRange.max);
        t.position = pos;

    void SpawnImmediate()
        Transform t = GetPoolObject();
        if (t == null) return;//if true , this indicates that poolSize is too small
        Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
        pos.x = immediateSpawnPos.x;
        pos.y = Random.Range(ySpawnRange.min, ySpawnRange.max);
        t.position = pos;

    void Shift()
        for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++) //step 3 ; variable used
            poolObjects[i].transform.position += -Vector3.right * shiftSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

    void CheckDisposeObject(PoolObject poolObject)
        if (poolObject.transform.position.x < -defaultSpawnPos.x)
            poolObject.transform.position = Vector3.one * 1000;

    Transform GetPoolObject()
        for (int i = 0; i < poolObjects.Length; i++)
            if (!poolObjects[i].inUse)
                return poolObjects[i].transform;
        return null;

我知道声明了PoolObject,但是它不输出任何值或输出null。我试图通过使用以下方法为PoolObject分配一个值:PoolObject = GetComponent(); 但是我又得到了另一个错误:资产/脚本/Parallaxerr.cs(45,9):错误CS0118:Parallaxerr.PoolObject' is a type',但预期为“变量” 和Assets / scripts / Parallaxerr.cs(45,35):错误CS0131:分配的左侧必须是变量,属性或索引器


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