
时间:2018-07-26 10:30:19

标签: python python-3.x fabric


from fabric2 import Connection

c = Connection('')
with c.cd('/home/bussiere/'):
    c.run('ls -l')


paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

在Fabric2中,Connection对象具有一个local()方法。 看一下该对象的文档here

答案 1 :(得分:1)





from fabric import task, Connection
c = Connection('remote_user@remote_server.com')

def DetailList(c):
    c.run('ls -l') # will run on local server because the decorator @task does not contain the hosts parameter


fab DetailList




from fabric import task, Connection

list_of_hosts = ['user@yourserver.com'] #you should have already configure the ssh access
c = Connection(list_of_hosts[0])

working_dir = '/var/www/yourproject'

#will run on remote
@task(hosts = list_of_hosts)
def Update(c):
    c.run('sudo apt get update') # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator
    c.run(f'cd {working_dir} && git pull') # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator
    c.run('sudo service apache2 restart') # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator

#will run on local because you do not specify a host
def DetailsList(c):
    c.run('ls -l') # # will run on local server because hosts are NOT passed to the task decorator

如Ismaïl所述,在传递hosts参数时,也可以使用“本地”方法,尽管您已将host参数指定给任务装饰器,但“ local”方法将在本地主机上运行。请注意,如果未指定任何主机参数,则不能使用'local'方法,请改为使用run,如示例1和2所示。



from fabric import task, Connection

list_of_hosts = ['www.yourserver.com'] #you should have already configure the ssh access
c = Connection(list_of_hosts[0])
working_dir = '/var/www/yourproject'

def UpdateServer(c):
    c.run('sudo apt get update') # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator
    c.local('echo the remote server is now updated') # will run on local server because you used the local method when hosts are being passed to the decorator

def PullFromGit(c):
    c.run(f'cd {working_dir} && git pull')  # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator
    c.local('echo Git repo is now pulled')   # will run on local server because you used the local method when hosts are being passed to the decorator

def RestartServer(c):
    c.run('sudo service apache2 restart') # will run on remote server because hosts are passed to the task decorator
    c.local('echo Apache2 is now restarted') # will run on local server because you used the local method when hosts are being passed to the decorator

@task(hosts = list_of_hosts)
def UpdateAndRestart(c):
    c.local('echo you have updated, pulled and restarted Apache2') # will run on local server because you used the local method when hosts are being passed to the decorator


fab UpdateAndRestart