Ubuntu 16.04上的Sonar Qube 7.2.1

时间:2018-07-26 09:40:13

标签: elasticsearch sonarqube


    <-- Wrapper Stopped
--> Wrapper Started as Daemon
Launching a JVM...
Wrapper (Version 3.2.3) http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org
  Copyright 1999-2006 Tanuki Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.s.a.AppFileSystem] Cleaning or creating temp directory /opt/sonarqube_7.2.1/temp
2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.s.a.es.EsSettings] Elasticsearch listening on /
2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.s.a.p.ProcessLauncherImpl] Launch process[[key='es', ipcIndex=1, logFilenamePrefix=es]$
2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Waiting for Elasticsearch to be up and running
2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] no modules loaded
2018.07.26 09:31:03 INFO  app[][o.e.p.PluginsService] loaded plugin [org.elasticsearch.transport.Netty4Plugin]
2018.07.26 09:31:05 WARN  app[][o.s.a.p.AbstractProcessMonitor] Process exited with exit value [es]: 1
2018.07.26 09:31:05 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] Process [es] is stopped
2018.07.26 09:31:05 INFO  app[][o.s.a.SchedulerImpl] SonarQube is stopped
<-- Wrapper Stopped

我从一个叫ubuntu的用户开始的。他不是直接的根。我必须对每个命令使用sudo: 我的开始是:sudo sh sonar.sh start

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