cpdef list ngrams(basestring field, int n):
"""ngrams returns all unique, contiguous sequences of n characters
of a given field.
:param field: the string to be
:param n: the number of characters to be included in each gram
>>> from dedupe.dedupe.predicated import ngrams
>>> ngrams("deduplicate", 3)
('ded', 'edu', 'dup', 'upl', 'pli', 'lic', 'ica', 'cat', 'ate')
cdef unicode ufield = _ustring(field)
cdef list grams = []
cdef int i, j
cdef int n_char = len(ufield)
for i in range(n_char):
for j in range(i+n, min(n_char, i+n)+1):
return grams
cpdef tuple initials(basestring field, int n):
"""predicate which returns first a tuple containing
the first n chars of a field if and only if the
field contains at least n characters, or an empty
tuple otherwise.
:param field: the string
:type n: int, default None
>>> initials("dedupe", 7)
('dedupe', )
>>> initials("deduplication", 7)
('dedupli', )
cdef unicode ufield = _ustring(field)
return (ufield[:n], )
cdef unicode _ustring(basestring s):
if type(s) is unicode:
# fast path for most common case(s)
return <unicode>s
else : # safe because of basestring
return <char *>s
我在python终端中执行了以下操作,并且cython编译失败,并显示“ unicode”不是类型标识符。我可以知道该怎么解决吗?
>>> import pyximport
>>> pyximport.install()
(None, <pyximport.pyximport.PyxImporter object at 0x236bb50>)
>>> from cpredicates import ngrams, initials
Error compiling Cython file:
return (ufield[:n], )
cdef unicode _ustring(basestring s):
cpredicates.pyx:48:5: 'unicode' is not a type identifier
Error compiling Cython file:
>>> from dedupe.dedupe.predicated import ngrams
>>> ngrams("deduplicate", 3)
('ded', 'edu', 'dup', 'upl', 'pli', 'lic', 'ica', 'cat', 'ate')
cdef unicode ufield = _ustring(field)
cpredicates.pyx:16:9: 'unicode' is not a type identifier
Error compiling Cython file:
>>> initials("dedupe", 7)
('dedupe', )
>>> initials("deduplication", 7)
('dedupli', )
cdef unicode ufield = _ustring(field)
cpredicates.pyx:42:9: 'unicode' is not a type identifier
Error compiling Cython file:
cdef unicode _ustring(basestring s):
if type(s) is unicode:
# fast path for most common case(s)
return <unicode>s
cpredicates.pyx:51:16: 'unicode' is not a type identifier