检查字符串的缩写,然后复制完整的字符串。 (Vba)

时间:2018-07-25 22:35:01

标签: arrays excel string vba excel-vba



  1. 读取每个单元格并检查其是否包含许多的缩写 选项,并根据缩写将完整值复制到 同一行的下一个空单元格。

  2. 将对应的先前字符串值复制到“ P” 在项目符号1中找到的缩写,位于同一行的下一个empy单元格中。

  3. 将在以下位置找到的对应“ P”的所有先前字符串值复制到“ E” 项目符号1的下一个empy单元格中的项目符号2和缩写 同一行。


|                              what I have                               | 
|   |                                 A                                  |
| 1 | B.Corp. - 2P. 5E,6E y 9E                                           |
| 2 | B.Corp - 2P, 2E y 5E - C.D.N. 2P 4E                                |
| 3 | B.Corp. 1P 6E,7E,9E,10E,11E,12E,13E,14E,15E,17E,19E,20E,21E,22E,23E|
| 4 | I.C.P. 2P 5E 6E y 7E -  B.Corp. 3P 2E y 3E                         |
| 5 | I.C.P.  4P 1E- I.C.P 3P 3E- B.Corp. 1P 1E 3E 4E y 6E               |


|                            what I need                                                                        |
|   |             B            | C | D |            E             | F | G |H                | I | J | K | L | M |
| 5 |Instrumento de Corto Plazo| 4 | 1 |Instrumento de Corto Plazo| 3 | 3 |Bono Corporativo | 1 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 6 |


Sub abv_to_full()

If InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "Corp", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "BC", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bonos Corporativos" 'English: corporate bonds

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "C.D.N.", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "CDN", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Certificados de Depositos" 'English: certificates of deposits / term deposits

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "I.C.P", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "ICP", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo" 'English: short term instruments

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "BS", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "Subo", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bonos Subordinados" 'English: Subordinated Bonds

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "BAF", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "B.A.F.", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bonos de Arrendamiento Financiero" 'English: financial lease bonds

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "BH", 1) Or InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "BHIP", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Bonos Hipotecarios" 'English: mortgage securities

ElseIf InStr(1, Cells(a, 5), "IRD", 1) Then
Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 1).Value = "Instrumentos Representativos de Deuda" 'English: instruments representing debt

End If

End Sub
Sub second_try()
Dim start_, startp_ As Integer
Dim ant_tipo, nvo_tipo

ant_tipo = Array("Corp", "BC", "C.D.N.", "CDN", "I.C.P.", "ICP", "BS", "Subo", "BAF", "B.A.F.", "IRD", "BHIP", "BH")
nvo_tipo = Array("Bonos Corporativos", "Bonos Corporativos", "Certificados de Deposito", "Certificados de Deposito", "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo", "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo", "Bonos Subordinados", "Bonos Subordinados", "Bonos de Arrendamiento Financiero", "Bonos de Arrendamiento Financiero", "Instrumentos Representativos de Deuda", "Bonos Hipotecarios", "Bonos Hipotecarios")

cont = 0
Start = 1
pos = InStr(Start, Cells(a, 5), ant_tipo(i), 0)
    If pos > 0 Then
      Start = pos + 1  'alternatively: start = pos + Len(srch)
      Cells(a, 5).Offset(0, 2 + cont).Value = nvo_tipo(i)
      cont = cont + 1
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
Loop While pos > 0
End sub

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答案 0 :(得分:1)

发送此代码。 (内部评论)

   Sub Break_String()
        Dim sarray() As String
        Dim stemp As String
        Dim ant_tipo, nvo_tipo
        Dim rcell As Range
        Dim icounter As Integer
        'yuo must add also value for "I.C.P"
        ant_tipo = Array("Corp", "BC", "C.D.N.", "CDN", "I.C.P", "I.C.P.", "ICP", "BS", "Subo", "BAF", "B.A.F.", "IRD", "BHIP", "BH")
        nvo_tipo = Array("Bonos Corporativos", "Bonos Corporativos", "Certificados de Deposito", "Certificados de Deposito", "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo", "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo", "Instrumentos de Corto Plazo", "Bonos Subordinados", "Bonos Subordinados", "Bonos de Arrendamiento Financiero", "Bonos de Arrendamiento Financiero", "Instrumentos Representativos de Deuda", "Bonos Hipotecarios", "Bonos Hipotecarios")

        'loop for all data cells
        For c = 1 To Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

            Set rcell = Cells(c, 1)
            stemp = rcell.Value

            'replace , and - and y on space
            'prevents any missing spaces between data
            stemp = Replace(stemp, ",", " ")
            stemp = Replace(stemp, "-", " ")
            stemp = Replace(stemp, "y", " ")
            icounter = 1 'used for select first empty cell in a row
            'split using space
            sarray() = Split(stemp)

            For i = LBound(sarray) To UBound(sarray)
            'Delete spaces
                stemp = Trim(sarray(i))
            'check if name
                For j = LBound(ant_tipo) To UBound(ant_tipo)
                    If InStr(stemp, ant_tipo(j)) Then
                        rcell.Offset(0, icounter).Value = nvo_tipo(j)
                        icounter = icounter + 1
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next j
            'assign values for P and E
            'check if the fisrt sign is a number to eliminate company names
            If InStr("123456789", Left(stemp, 1)) Then
                If Right(stemp, 1) = "P" Or Right(stemp, 1) = "E" Then
                    rcell.Offset(0, icounter).Value = Mid(stemp, 1, Len(stemp) - 1)
                    icounter = icounter + 1
                End If
             End If
            Next i
        Next c
    End Sub