首先,对不起我的英语不好,尤其是对于编程单词,英语不是我的母语。 因此,我编写了一个软件,该软件可以检测图像上的所有连续精灵并列出其调色板。 这里的软件完整说明:https://www.vg-resource.com/thread-33373.html
为了找到每个Sprite的边界,首先我要在工作表中找到与背景颜色无关的第一个像素。然后,我开始执行递归方法,以验证每个相邻像素是否具有背景色,然后在该位置调用自身,并将其位置记录在布尔矩阵中。 递归方法:
//pixelPosition > the position found of the current sprite, posX/posY > position of the current pixel being examined
public boolean[][] moveToNextPixel(boolean[][] pixelPosition, int posX, int posY)
pixelPosition[posX][posY] = true;
//If the next position isnt outside of the boundaries of the image AND if it hasnt already been recorded
// AND if it isnt the color of the background, move to that position.
if(posX + 1 < pixelPosition.length)
if(!pixelPosition[posX+1][posY] && !panBackgroundColor.isColorPresentInPalette(workingImage.getRGB(posX+1,posY)) )
if(posX - 1 >= 0)
if(!pixelPosition[posX-1][posY] && !panBackgroundColor.isColorPresentInPalette(workingImage.getRGB(posX-1,posY)))
if(posY + 1 < pixelPosition[0].length)
if(!pixelPosition[posX][posY+1] && !panBackgroundColor.isColorPresentInPalette(workingImage.getRGB(posX,posY+1)))
if(posY - 1 >= 0)
if(!pixelPosition[posX][posY-1] && !panBackgroundColor.isColorPresentInPalette(workingImage.getRGB(posX,posY-1)))
return pixelPosition;
//the method isColorPresentInPalette(int) check if the color in entry is in the background colors
public boolean isColorPresentInPalette( int colorRgb)
boolean result = false;
for( int i =0; i< backgroundPalette.length && !result;i++)
if(backgroundPalette[i] != null)
if(backgroundPalette[i].getRGB() == colorRgb)
result = true;
return result;
此外,如果我先加载具有正常大小的精灵的工作表,然后再加载具有巨大精灵(4400+像素)的工作表,则不会发生stackoverflow错误...因此,最后,我对到底是什么问题。 那么,递归方法真的是解决此类问题的正确方法吗?如果是这样,我该怎么做才能解决此问题?否则,有人会找到一种方法来确定每个人的连续精灵及其位置吗?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Stack;
public class FindNeedleInHaystack {
String[][] haystack;
class Coordinate {
int x;
int y;
public Coordinate(int x, int y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Coordinate that = (Coordinate) o;
return x == that.x &&
y == that.y;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(x, y);
public FindNeedleInHaystack() {
this.haystack = new String[10][10];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
this.haystack[i][j] = "";
public void addNeedle(int a_x, int a_y) {
this.haystack[a_y][a_x] = "needle";
public boolean hasNeedle() {
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[10][10];
return hasNeedleHelper(0, 0);
private List<Coordinate> neighbors(Coordinate coord, boolean[][] visited) {
List<Coordinate> neighbors = new ArrayList<>();
int x = coord.x;
int y = coord.y;
if (y + 1 < 10 && !visited[y+1][x]) neighbors.add(new Coordinate(x, y+1));
if (y - 1 >= 0 && !visited[y-1][x]) neighbors.add(new Coordinate(x, y-1));
if (x + 1 < 10 && !visited[y][x+1]) neighbors.add(new Coordinate(x + 1, y));
if (x - 1 >= 0 && !visited[y][x-1]) neighbors.add(new Coordinate(x - 1, y));
return neighbors;
private boolean hasNeedleHelper(int x, int y) {
Stack<Coordinate> fringe = new Stack<>();
boolean[][] visited = new boolean[10][10];
fringe.push(new Coordinate(x, y));
while(!fringe.isEmpty()) {
Coordinate toVisit = fringe.pop();
if (this.haystack[toVisit.y][toVisit.x].equals("needle")) {
return true;
} else {
visited[toVisit.y][toVisit.x] = true;
for(Coordinate coord : this.neighbors(toVisit, visited)) {
return false;
public static void main(String...args) {
FindNeedleInHaystack hasNeedle = new FindNeedleInHaystack();
hasNeedle.addNeedle(3, 4);
System.out.println("Has a needle?: " + hasNeedle.hasNeedle());
FindNeedleInHaystack doesntHaveNeedle = new FindNeedleInHaystack();
System.out.println("Has a needle?: " + doesntHaveNeedle.hasNeedle());