我有Animator Controller和一个状态名称Grounded。 Grounded中的动画是HumanoidIdle。
然后在脚本中,一旦玩家离开游戏中的某个特定位置,它将使npc 1面向对象旋转并开始行走动画:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Playables;
public class SpaceshipCutscene : MonoBehaviour
public Transform player;
public Transform[] npcs;
public Transform console;
public Camera FPSCamera;
public Camera mainCamera;
public Animator[] anim;
public float rotationSpeed = 3f;
private bool moveNpc = false;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
private void Update()
if (moveNpc)
// Soldier 2 rotating and looking at player
Vector3 dir = player.position - npcs[0].position;
dir.y = 0; // keep the direction strictly horizontal
Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(dir);
// slerp to the desired rotation over time
npcs[0].rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(npcs[0].rotation, rot, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
float dist = Vector3.Distance(npcs[1].position, console.position);
if (dist < 4f)
Vector3 dirToComputer = console.transform.position - npcs[1].position;
dirToComputer.y = 0;
Quaternion rot1 = Quaternion.LookRotation(dirToComputer);
npcs[1].rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(npcs[1].rotation, rot1, rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "SpaceshipCutscene")
FPSCamera.enabled = false;
mainCamera.enabled = true;
moveNpc = true;
anim[0].SetBool("Aiming", true);
anim[1].SetBool("Walk", true);
现在,我要使npcs 1距控制台的距离小于4时,启动“步行到使用”之间的动画混合树组合:
if (dist < 4f)
因此,在Animator中,我创建了一个新的Blend Tree,称为“行走”。 在内部,我添加了两个运动场。一种用于步行,另一种用于Use_Loop。
这是我想要的,一旦玩家的距离小于脚本中的4,以便从“走动”到“ Use_Loop(Use)”缓慢而平滑地变化。