
时间:2018-07-25 20:41:22

标签: c# .net-core actor orleans

我正在尝试了解Microsoft Orleans中的谷物单线程。我使用了http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2416187中的代码,并对其进行了一些修改以测试我的场景。


    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var siloBuilder = new SiloHostBuilder()
            .UseDashboard(options => { })
            .Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
                options.ClusterId = "dev";
                options.ServiceId = "Orleans2GettingStarted";
            .Configure<EndpointOptions>(options =>
                options.AdvertisedIPAddress = IPAddress.Loopback)
            .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.SetMinimumLevel(LogLevel.Warning).AddConsole());

        using (var host = siloBuilder.Build())
            await host.StartAsync();

            var clientBuilder = new ClientBuilder()
                .Configure<ClusterOptions>(options =>
                    options.ClusterId = "dev";
                    options.ServiceId = "Orleans2GettingStarted";
                .ConfigureLogging(logging => logging.AddConsole());

            using (var client = clientBuilder.Build())
                await client.Connect();

                var random = new Random();
                string sky = "blue";

                while (sky == "blue") // if run in Ireland, it exits loop immediately
                    Console.WriteLine("Client giving another request");
                    int grainId = random.Next(0, 500);
                    double temperature = random.NextDouble() * 40;
                    var sensor = client.GetGrain<ITemperatureSensorGrain>(grainId);

                    // Not awaiting this task so that next call to grain 
                    // can be made without waiting for current call to complete
                    Task t = sensor.SubmitTemperatureAsync((float)temperature);


public interface ITemperatureSensorGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
    Task SubmitTemperatureAsync(float temperature);

public class TemperatureSensorGrain : Grain, ITemperatureSensorGrain
    public async Task SubmitTemperatureAsync(float temperature)
        long grainId = this.GetPrimaryKeyLong();
        Console.WriteLine($"{grainId} received temperature: {temperature}");

        await Task.Delay(10000);
        // Thread.Sleep(10000);
        Console.WriteLine($"{grainId} complete");
        // return Task.CompletedTask;

我基本上在做的是每1秒向Grain发送一次请求,而我允许Grain内部的每个方法调用至少花费10秒。现在,根据谷物的单线程执行和here中所述的Orleans Runtime Scheduling,我希望,除非当前请求的方法完成,否则谷物将对请求进行排队,并且下一个请求将不会被谷物处理。但是,控制台输出并不能证实这一点。控制台输出为:

Client giving another request
344 received temperature: 8.162848
Client giving another request
357 received temperature: 10.32219
Client giving another request
26 received temperature: 1.166182
Client giving another request
149 received temperature: 37.74038
Client giving another request
60 received temperature: 26.72013
Client giving another request
218 received temperature: 24.19116
Client giving another request
269 received temperature: 17.1897
Client giving another request
318 received temperature: 8.562404
Client giving another request
372 received temperature: 8.865559
Client giving another request
443 received temperature: 5.254442
Client giving another request
344 complete        <-------------- The first request completed here
97 received temperature: 19.24687



  1. 那么,这是否违反了奥尔良单线程执行模型,或者我在这里缺少什么?

  2. 此外,当我在谷物内部使用Thread.sleep(10000)而不是Task.Delay(10000)时,我得到的控制台输出几乎与每个请求调用的额外警告不同- Task [Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S127.0.0.1:11111:270246987*grn/6424EE47/00000028@cafcc6a5 #GrainType=Orleans2GettingStarted.TemperatureSensorGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:10.0019256 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000。 这是否意味着每个谷物都应该在200ms内理想地处理?如果谷物加工时间更长,会发生什么?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



修改代码以仅选择一次var srce, dest: TBitmapSurface; path: string; scan: integer; w, h1, h2: integer; begin path := 'C:\tmp\Imgs\res.bmp'; srce := TBitmapSurface.Create; TBitmapCodecManager.LoadFromFile(path, srce); dest := TBitmapSurface.Create; // first half w := srce.Width; h1 := srce.Height div 2; dest.SetSize(w, h1, TPixelFormat.RGBA); for scan := 0 to h1-1 do Move(srce.Scanline[scan]^, TBitmapSurface(dest).Scanline[scan]^, srce.Width * 4); Image1.Bitmap.Assign(dest); // second half h2 := srce.Height - h1; dest.SetSize(w, h2, TPixelFormat.RGBA); for scan := h1 to srce.Height-1 do Move(srce.Scanline[scan]^, TBitmapSurface(dest).Scanline[scan-h1]^, srce.Width * 4); Image2.Bitmap.Assign(dest); end; (通过将其移到循环外),我看到此示例执行:

