我尝试使屏幕上的窗口标题自动等于在此窗口中打开的文件(或目录)。举例来说,我正在处理放置在〜/ desktop / project / src / views / 中的 file.pug 文件,我希望标题为< em>〜/ desktop / project / src / views / file.pug ,但这只是〜/ desktop / project / src / views /
我发现了这一点:https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/6065/gnu-screen-new-window-name-change通过修改.zshrc文件提供了一种完成某些事情的方式,这解释了为什么.zshrc中的脚本被Screen监听的原因与打开< em>迅速扩展(对我来说是个谜),它来自info screen -n 'Dynamic Titles'
you must modify your shell prompt to output a null title-escape-sequence (<ESC> k <ESC> \) as a part of your prompt. The last part of your prompt must be the same as the string you specified for the search portion of the title. Once this is set up, screen will use the title-escape-sequence to clear the previous command name and get ready for the next command. Then, when a newline is received from the shell, a search is made for the end of the prompt. If found, it will grab the first word after the matched string and use it as the command name.
precmd () {
local tmp='%~'
local HPWD=${(%)tmp}
if [[ $TERM == screen* ]]; then
printf '\ek%s\e\\' $HPWD
-precmd ()
表示变量具有局部作用域(src:How do I keep functions/variables local to my zshrc?)
-precmd () {local HPWD=${(%)-%~}
-if [[ $TERM == screen* ]]; then printf