BASIC SQL-在分组依据语句和汇总中苦苦挣扎

时间:2018-07-25 12:43:54

标签: sql sql-server group-by aggregate-functions



       concat(month([sbi].[dtmDelivered]),'-',year([sbi].[dtmDelivered])) as rdate
       ,concat(o.[strMasterSalesFirstNameNode],' ',o.[strMasterSalesLastNameNode]) AS "Sales_Rep"  FROM [sqlSalesBI].[Fact].[uvwReport] as "sbi"

  LEFT JOIN [sqlDim].[dbo].[tbldimProduct] as "p" ON [sbi].[intDimProductPrimaryID] = p.intDimProductID
  LEFT JOIN [sqlSalesBI].[Dim].[uvwOrgNode] as "o" ON [sbi].[intOrgNodeID] = o.intOrgNodeID
  LEFT JOIN [sqlDim].[dbo].[tbldimStatus] as "t" ON [sbi].[intDimStatusID] = t.intDimStatusID

  WHERE sbi.intDimStatusID = 5 and sbi.mnyDollarcost >0 and sbi.dtmDelivered >= '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000'

  GROUP BY o.strCompanyNodeName


Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Column 'sqlSalesBI.Fact.uvwReport.dtmDelivered' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Msg 8120, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Column 'sqlSalesBI.Fact.uvwReport.dtmDelivered' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.



rdate           strcompanynodename          Sum of MnyDollar Cost         other columns >>>
7-2017          Chadwick Supply Co.                5100
7-2017          Northeastern Milling               5600
7-2017          Ford Paper                         25320
7-2017          Cleveland Paper Co.                1020
8-2017          Chadwick Supply Co.                1200
8-2017          Northeastern Milling               5600
8-2017          Ford Paper                         58450
8-2017          Cleveland Paper Co.                1200


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

看起来您的查询没有得到汇总。将那些缺少的列添加到您的 GROUP BY stmt中,它应可在此处使用。

聚集公式的作用-SELECT子句中的一个字段,然后它必须出现在GROUP BY

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您已经知道,GROUP BY缺少一些:

<tr ng-repeat="user in users | filter: {user.deleted_at == null}" ng-class="{'success': == }" style="background-color:{{'userData.color'}}" ng-if="selectedRole == '' || (user.group_list | lookup:GROUPS | lists:'name' | join).indexOf(selectedRole) != -1">