请帮助我编写忘记密码的逻辑。我已经测试了使用Postman的功能,但无法正常工作。我正在使用nodemailer作为邮件服务器引擎。整个项目已使用Angular 4/5进行了连接(建议的解决方案应考虑此因素)。请帮助检查并给出建议/更正。谢谢。
const transport = require('nodemailer-smtp-transport');
app.get('/forgotPassword', function(req, res){
app.post('/forgotPassword', function(req, res, next){
function(done) {
crypto.randomBytes(20, function(err, buf) {
const token = buf.toString('hex');
done(err, token);
function(token, done) {
user.findOne({email: req.body.email }, function(err, user, req) {
if (!user){
console.log ('No account with that email address exists.');
user.resetPasswordToken = token;
user.resetPasswordExpires = Date.now() + 3600000; //1 hour
function(token, user, done){
const smtpTransporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: 'preciousegunjobi@gmail.com',
pass: 'Presidoe2011!'
const mailOptions = {
from: 'preciousegunjobi1@gmail.com', //sender
to: req.body.email,
subject: 'Password Reset Notification',
html: '<h3>You are receiving this because you (or someone else) have requested the reset of the password on your account. ' + '\n' + ' Please click on the following link, or paste into your browser to complete the password reset process. </h3>' +' \n '+ 'http://' + req.headers.host + '/reset/' + token + '\n\n' +
'<h4> If you did not request this, please ignore this email and your password will remain unchanged </h4>'
smtpTransporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(err, req){
console.log('mail sent');
console.log ('success', 'An e-mail has been sent to ' + user.email + 'with further instructions to reset password.');
done(err, 'done');
], function(err){
if (err) return next(err);
app.get ('/reset/:token', function(req, res){
user.findOne({ resetPasswordToken: req.params.token, resetPasswordExpires: {$gt: Date.now() } }, function(err, user, req){
if (!user){
console.log ('error', 'Password reset token is invalid or has expired.');
// if(req.body.password === req.body.confirm) {
// user.setPassword(req.body.password, function(err, token) {
user.password = req.body.password;
user.resetPasswordToken = undefined;
user.resetPasswordExpires = undefined;
console.log('password' + user.password + 'and the user is' + user)
// )
// } else {
//console.log ("error", "Passwords do not match.");
// }
// });
function(user, done) {
const smtpTransporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
service: 'Gmail',
auth: {
user: 'preciousegunjobi1@gmail.com',
pass: 'Presidoe2011!'
const mailOptions = {
to: user.email,
from: 'preciousegunjobi1@gmail.com',
subject: 'Your password has been changed',
text: 'Hello, \n\n' +
'This is a confirmation that the password for your account ' + user.email + ' has just been changed.'
smtpTransporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(err, req) {
console.log ('success', 'Success! Your password has been changed.');
//end of forgot password logic