我似乎无法弄清楚如何使用JSON:XS ......
my $nodeHash = {}; # the hash I plan to pass to the to_json function
my $metros = {}; #each metro is a Node with a bunch of features
my @array= (); # an array that I populate with nodes
#some code to populate the array (these are blessed objects)
$nodeHash->{$metros} = \@array; # metros has a reference to a list of all nodes
my $json = new JSON; # this syntax is yielding an error for some reason
$json = JSON->allow_blessed([$enable]); #im not sure quite how this works from the documentation
my $json_string = $json->encode_json($nodeHash);
open(JSON, ">output.json") or die "cannot open file for reading: $!";
print JSON "$json_string";