How to locate a text in a table and referring the element click on another element using Selenium in C#?

时间:2018-07-25 05:26:05

标签: c# .net selenium selenium-webdriver xpath

I am having trouble working my head out, as what is the best way to search a specific Text (CustId) on a web table & once I have found the search text then click on a Select-Button present at the end of the row. Now, I do have an ElementId for the table and progressive ElementId on each Select-Button Sample of the source code given below --

<table class="w-table w-table-zebra w-table-hover" id="cust-found-table">
          <th class="w-table-header w-table-width-60">Cust name</th>
          <th class="w-table-header w-table-width-25">Cust Id</th>
          <th class="w-table-header w-table-width-15"></th>
          <td class="w-table-row">Superman</td>
          <td class="w-table-row">12345</td>
          <td class="w-table-row text-center">
            <button class="btn btn-sm w-btn-jetson px-4" type="button" id="cust-found-btn-0">Select</button>
          <td class="w-table-row">Spiderman</td>
          <td class="w-table-row">23456</td>
          <td class="w-table-row text-center">
            <button class="btn btn-sm w-btn-jetson px-4" type="button" id="cust-found-btn-1">Select</button>
          <td class="w-table-row">Batman</td>
          <td class="w-table-row">34567</td>
          <td class="w-table-row text-center">
            <button class="btn btn-sm w-btn-jetson px-4" type="button" id="cust-found-btn-2">Select</button>

This potentially may be a duplicate post, but couldn't find a similar one. Any help is appreciate.

Go get started I have done as below but couldn't get this working --

var theSelector = "button[id*='" + cust-found-btn + "']";    
IWebElement tableElement = driver.FindElement(By.Id("cust-found-table"));
        IList<IWebElement> tableRow = tableElement.FindElements(By.TagName("tr"));
        IList<IWebElement> rowTD;
        foreach (IWebElement row in tableRow)
            rowTD = row.FindElements(By.TagName("td"));

            if (row.Text.Equals("searchtext"))

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


IList<IWebElement> tableRow = tableElement.FindElements(By.TagName("tr"));  


IList<IWebElement> tableRow = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("table#cust-found-table tr td:first-child"));   


foreach (IWebElement row in tableRow){
  if (row.Text.Equals("Superman")){  



public void searchAndClick(string name) {
IList<IWebElement> tableRow = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector("table#cust-found-table tr td:first-child")); 
foreach (IWebElement row in tableRow){
  if (row.Text.Equals(name)){  



答案 1 :(得分:1)


<table id="example" class="display" style="width:100%">
            <th>Start date</th>
            <td>Tiger Nixon</td>
            <td>System Architect</td>
            <td>Garrett Winters</td>

答案 2 :(得分:1)

要引用相应的 Cust Id (客户ID),在相应按钮上用文本 Select 调用click(),您可以编写一个函数,该函数将接受客户ID 作为参考,并在相应元素上调用click(),其文本为 Select ,如下所示:

  • 功能:

    public void clickSelect(string CustID)
        driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//table[@class='w-table w-table-zebra w-table-hover' and @id='cust-found-table']//tr//td[@class='w-table-row'][text()='" + CustID + "']//following::td[1]/button[@class='btn btn-sm w-btn-jetson px-4' and starts-with(@id,'cust-found-btn-')]")).Click();
  • 现在,您可以在脚本中的任意位置使用所需的客户ID 调用函数,如下所示:


答案 3 :(得分:1)



        //expected Customer ID needs to be specified here
        String expectedCustID = "12345";

        IWebElement tableElement = driver.FindElement(By.Id("cust-found-table"));
        IList<IWebElement> tableRow = tableElement.FindElements(By.TagName("tr"));

        foreach (IWebElement row in tableRow)
            //Cust Id will be placed in Second Coloum and hence xpath is defined as td[2]
            var custId = row.FindElement(By.XPath(".//td[2]")).Text;

            if (custId.Equals(expectedCustID))
