
时间:2018-07-25 03:27:17

标签: python python-3.x function

我正在尝试使用函数而不是嵌套的if语句来编写Camel游戏。我想我做错了,但是我不得不修改本机距离部分,因为我不断进入那些距离不远的地方。但是现在在尝试更改randomint值之后,我再也无法摆脱它们了。任何改进的建议都非常感谢! 这是我的代码:

import random
def quitGame():
    print("I am guitting now.")
    return True

def status(milesTraveled, thirst, camelTiredness, distanceNativesTraveled, drinks):
    You have traveled %d miles
    Your Camel Status is %d (lower is better)
    You have %d drinks left in your canteen
    Your thirst is %d (lower is better)
    The Natives are %d miles behind you

def rest():
    print("The camel is happy")
    distanceN = random.randint(7,14)

def fullSpeed():
    distanceT = random.randint(10,20)
    print("You travel %d miles"%distanceT)
    camelT = random.randint(1,3)
    distanceN = random.randint(7,14)

def moderateSpeed():
    distanceB = random.randint(5,12)
    print("You travel %d miles"%distanceB)
    nativesB = random.randint(7,14)

def thirsty(drinksLeft):
    drinksL = drinksLeft - 1

def main():
    choice = ""
    done = False  # loop variable

    #variables for game
    milesTraveled = 0
    thirst = 0
    camelTiredness = 0
    distanceNativesTraveled = -20
    drinks = 5
    Welcome to the Camel Game!
    You have stolen a camel to make your way across the great Mobi desert.
    The natives want their camel back and are chasing you down. Survive your
    desert trek and out run the native.

while not done:
    findOasis = random.randint(1,20)
    Here are your choices:

    A - Drink from you canteen.
    B - Ahead moderate speed. 
    C - Ahead full speed. 
    D - Stop and rest for night.
    E - Status check.
    Q - Quit the Game

    choice = input(" Your  choice?\n")

    if choice.upper() == "Q":
        done = quitGame()

    elif findOasis is 1 :
        print("Wow! You've found an Oasis. Your thirst is quenched, canteen topped off, \
and your camel is now well rested and happy.")
        drinks = 5
        thirst = 0
        camelTiredness = 0

    elif choice.upper() == "A":
        if drinks > 0:
            drinks = thirsty(drinks)
            thirst = 0
            print("Error: Uh oh! No water left.")

    elif choice.upper() == "B":
        milesB,nativesB = moderateSpeed()
        milesTraveled += milesB
        camelTiredness += 1
        thirst += 1
        distanceNativesTraveled += nativesB

    elif choice.upper() == "C":
        milesT,camelTired,nativesT= fullSpeed()
        milesTraveled += milesT
        camelTiredness += camelTired
        distanceNativesTraveled += nativesT
        thirst += 1

    elif choice.upper() == "D":
        distanceT = rest()
        camelTiredness = 0
        distanceNativesTraveled += distanceT

    elif choice.upper() == "E":
        statusCheck = status(milesTraveled, thirst, camelTiredness, distanceNativesTraveled, drinks)

        print("That was not a correct choice - Enter (A through E or Q)")

    if thirst > 4 and thirst <= 6:
        print("You are thirsty")

    elif thirst > 6:
        print("GAME OVER \nYou died of thirst!")
        done = True

    elif camelTiredness > 5 and camelTiredness <= 8:
        print("Your camel is getting tired")

    elif camelTiredness > 8:
        print("GAME OVER \nYour camel is dead.")
        done = True

    elif distanceNativesTraveled >= 0:
        print("GAME OVER \nThe natives have captured you!")
        done = True

    elif distanceNativesTraveled > -15:
        print("The natives are getting close!")

    elif milesTraveled >= 200:
        print("YOU WIN \nCongrats, you made it across the desert!")
        done = True

# call main

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

游戏在distanceNativesTraveled >= 0时结束,但是根本没有减少distanceNativesTraveled的代码。因此,随着distanceNativesTraveled每转的不断增加,游戏势必很快结束。


elif distanceNativesTraveled >= 0:


elif distanceNativesTraveled >= milesTraveled:


elif distanceNativesTraveled > -15:


elif distanceNativesTraveled - milesTraveled > -15:




"""%(milesTraveled,camelTiredness,drinks,thirst,milesTraveled - distanceNativesTraveled))