
时间:2018-07-24 14:40:39

标签: outlook-vba archiving

我有两个电子邮件帐户。 我的主要电子邮件帐户的容量上限为4GB,而我的辅助电子邮件帐户的容量上限为100GB





  1. 如何根据接收日期选择从我的主帐户复制到我的辅助电子邮件帐户的所有电子邮件...例如在1st April 2018之前说?

  2. 如何在不手动复制和粘贴的情况下将这些电子邮件从主帐户转移到辅助帐户?

  3. 可以通过VBA完成吗?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



在测试过程中,有时宏会在Move语句处停止并报告未知错误。我重新启动了宏。它成功移动了出现错误的邮件,并继续移动了其余邮件。我以前在VBA宏中遇到过这样的短暂错误。您可能不会遇到这样的错误。如果确实遇到错误,请尝试(1)通过单击 F5 重新启动宏,(2)停止宏并重新运行它,以及(3)拖放麻烦的邮件项目。


我假设您知道如何访问和使用Outlook VB编辑器。如有必要,我可以提供说明。


我编写VBA宏已有15年以上。我创建了能够再次使用的子例程和函数,您不会感到惊讶。如果将这些子例程和函数用于单个Office软件包,则将其存储在名为“ ModOutlook”和“ ModExcel”的模块中,如果将其用于任何Office软件包,则将其存储在名为“ ModVBA”的模块中。

请创建一个新模块。单击 F4 将打开“属性”窗口。模块只有一个属性:名称。请重命名新模块“ ModOutlook”。这不是必须的,但是我发现给模块有意义的名称很有帮助。


Public Sub GetChildEmailFolderList(ByRef FldrPrnt As Folder, _
                                   ByRef FldrsChild As Collection)

  ' * On Exit, FldrsChild will contain a list of references to
  '   all the email folders within FldrPrnt

  ' * FldrPrnt references a store or a folder within a store.
  ' * On entry, FldrsChild is initialised to an empty collection.
  ' * GetChildEmailFolderListSub is called to add the details of every descendant,
  '   email folder of FldrPrnt to FldrsChild

  ' * An email folder is a folder with property DefaultItemType = OlMailItem

  ' 28Jul18  Created by adapting code from earlier routines

  Set FldrsChild = Nothing
  Set FldrsChild = New Collection

  Call GetChildEmailFolderListSub(FldrPrnt, FldrsChild)

End Sub
Sub GetChildEmailFolderListSub(ByRef FldrPrnt As Folder, _
                               ByRef FldrsChild As Collection)

  ' GetChildEmailFolderList initialises FldrsChild and then calls this
  ' routine to fill FldrsChild.

  ' This routine is recursive.  It is called with FldrPrnt referencing
  ' the root of the folder hierarchy of interest. It records the children
  ' that root folder in FldrsChild and calls itself for each of those
  ' children to find their children. It will call itself as many times
  ' as necessary to reach the bottom of the hierarchy.

  Dim FldrCrnt As Folder
  Dim InxFldrChild As Long

  For InxFldrChild = 1 To FldrPrnt.Folders.Count
    Set FldrCrnt = FldrPrnt.Folders(InxFldrChild)
    If FldrCrnt.DefaultItemType = olMailItem Then
      FldrsChild.Add FldrCrnt
      Call GetChildEmailFolderListSub(FldrCrnt, FldrsChild)
    End If

End Sub
Public Function GetCreateFldr(ByRef Store As Folder, _
                              ByRef FldrNameFull() As String) As Folder

  ' * Store identifies the store, which must exist, in which the folder is
  '   wanted.
  ' * FldrNameFull identifies a folder which is or is wanted within Store.
  '   Find the folder if it exists otherwise create it. Either way, return
  '   a reference to it.

  ' * If LB is the lower bound of FldrNameFull:
  '     * FldrNameFull(LB) is the name of a folder that is wanted within Store.
  '     * FldrNameFull(LB+1) is the name of a folder that is wanted within
  '       FldrNameFull(LB).
  '     * FldrNameFull(LB+2) is the name of a folder that is wanted within
  '       FldrNameFull(LB+1).
  '     * And so on until the full name of the wanted folder is specified.

  ' 17Oct16  Date coded not recorded but must be before this date

  Dim FldrChld As Folder
  Dim FldrCrnt As Folder
  Dim ChildExists As Boolean
  Dim InxC As Long
  Dim InxFN As Long

  Set FldrCrnt = Store

  For InxFN = LBound(FldrNameFull) To UBound(FldrNameFull)
    ChildExists = True
    ' Is FldrNameFull(InxFN) a child of FldrCrnt?
    On Error Resume Next
    Set FldrChld = Nothing   ' Ensure value is Nothing if following statement fails
    Set FldrChld = FldrCrnt.Folders(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
    On Error GoTo 0
    If FldrChld Is Nothing Then
      ' Child does not exist
      ChildExists = False
      Exit For
    End If
    Set FldrCrnt = FldrChld

  If ChildExists Then
    ' Folder already exists
    ' Folder does not exist. Create it and any children
    Set FldrCrnt = FldrCrnt.Folders.Add(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
    For InxFN = InxFN + 1 To UBound(FldrNameFull)
      Set FldrCrnt = FldrCrnt.Folders.Add(FldrNameFull(InxFN))
  End If

  Set GetCreateFldr = FldrCrnt

End FunctionPublic Function GetFldrNameFull(ByRef Fldr As Folder) As String()

  ' * Fldr is a folder. It could be a store, the child of a store,
  '   the grandchild of a store or more deeply nested.
  ' * Return the name of that folder as a string array in the sequence:
  '    (0)=StoreName (1)=Level1FolderName (2)=Level2FolderName  ...

  ' 12Oct16  Coded
  ' 20Oct16  Renamed from GetFldrNameStr and amended to return a string array
  '          rather than a string
  ' 28Jul18  Converted FldrNamesRev from string array to collection

  Dim FldrCrnt As Folder
  Dim FldrNames() As String
  Dim FldrNamesRev As New Collection
  Dim FldrPrnt As Folder
  Dim InxFN As Long
  Dim InxFnR As Long

  Set FldrCrnt = Fldr
  FldrNamesRev.Add Fldr.Name
  ' Loop getting parents until FldrCrnt has no parent.
  ' Add names of Fldr and all its parents to FldrNamesRev as they are found
  Do While True
    On Error Resume Next     ' Stop reporting errors
    Set FldrPrnt = Nothing   ' Ensure value is Nothing if following statement fails
    Set FldrPrnt = FldrCrnt.Parent
    On Error GoTo 0          ' Restart reporting errors
    If FldrPrnt Is Nothing Then
      ' FldrCrnt has no parent
      Exit Do
    End If
    FldrNamesRev.Add FldrPrnt.Name
    Set FldrCrnt = FldrPrnt

  ' Copy names to FldrNames in reverse sequence so they end up in the correct sequence
  ReDim FldrNames(0 To FldrNamesRev.Count - 1)
  InxFN = 0
  For InxFnR = FldrNamesRev.Count To 1 Step -1
    FldrNames(InxFN) = FldrNamesRev(InxFnR)
    InxFN = InxFN + 1

  GetFldrNameFull = FldrNames

End Function




使用三个参数调用宏MoveEmails。下面的宏将初始化这些参数并调用MoveEmails。 “ tony存档2015”和“ tony存档”是我系统上用于测试的两个存储。您必须用电子邮件帐户的名称替换我的名字。我已经在与我的测试商店相关的宏中编码了日期和时间。您必须将日期更改为与您的帐户相关的日期。您可以修改宏以要求操作员输入日期,但是我认为这是最简单的方法。

Option Explicit
Sub CtrlMoveEmails()

  ' Create parameters for MoveEmails and call it.

  Dim LatestTimeToMove As Date
  Dim StoreDest As Folder       ' Destination store
  Dim StoreSrc As Folder        ' Source store:

  With Application.Session
    Set StoreDest = .Folders("tony archive 2015")
    Set StoreSrc = .Folders("tony archive")
  End With

  LatestTimeToMove = DateSerial(2015, 7, 3) + TimeSerial(23, 59, 59)

  Call MoveEmails(StoreSrc, StoreDest, LatestTimeToMove)

End Sub



Sub MoveEmails(ByRef StoreSrc As Folder, _
               ByRef StoreDest As Folder, _
               ByVal LatestTimeToMove As Date)

  ' Move every email in StoreSrc or one of its children, with a
  ' ReceivedTime before LatestTimeToMove, to the same folder in
  ' StoreDest.

  ' If an email is found in FolderA11 of FolderA1 of StoreSrc, this routine
  ' creates FolderA11 of FolderA1 of StoreDest, if it does not exist, and
  ' moves the email to this destination folder.

  ' Both ScrRoot and StoreDest must be stores since this routine does not
  ' contain the code to handle the source and destination folders not being
  ' stores.

  ' 28Jul18  Coded

  Dim FldrDestCrnt As Folder
  Dim FldrDestNameFull() As String
  Dim FldrSrcCrnt As Folder
  Dim FldrSrcNameFull() As String
  Dim FldrsSrcChild As Collection
  Dim InxFldrsSrc As Long
  Dim InxItemCrnt As Long
  Dim InxName As Long
  Dim MailItemCrnt As MailItem

  ' Validate Src and Dest are stores
  FldrSrcNameFull = GetFldrNameFull(StoreSrc)
  If UBound(FldrSrcNameFull) > LBound(FldrSrcNameFull) Then
    Call MsgBox("Folder StoreSrc is not a store. I have no code " & _
                "to handle this situation", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  FldrDestNameFull = GetFldrNameFull(StoreDest)
  If UBound(FldrDestNameFull) > LBound(FldrDestNameFull) Then
    Call MsgBox("Folder StoreDest is not a store. I have no code " & _
                "to handle this situation", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Debug.Print "Get list of all email folders in source store"

  ' Get list of all email folders in StoreSrc
  Call GetChildEmailFolderList(StoreSrc, FldrsSrcChild)

  ' Process each email folder in FldrsSrcChild
  For InxFldrsSrc = 1 To FldrsSrcChild.Count

      Debug.Print "Processing folder " & InxFldrsSrc & " of " & _

    Set FldrSrcCrnt = FldrsSrcChild(InxFldrsSrc)
    Set FldrDestCrnt = Nothing  ' Only set if there is email to move to it

    ' FldrSrcCrnt.Items is a collection with items numbered 1 up to N by
    ' their position. If Item 1 is moved, Item 2 becomes Item 1. Processing
    ' items from the end of the collection first, ensures that the position of
    ' items not yet examined does not change.
    For InxItemCrnt = FldrSrcCrnt.Items.Count To 1 Step -1

      Debug.Print "  Item " & InxItemCrnt

      On Error Resume Next        ' Stop reporting errors
      Set MailItemCrnt = Nothing
      Set MailItemCrnt = FldrSrcCrnt.Items(InxItemCrnt)
      On Error GoTo 0             ' Restart reporting errors
      If MailItemCrnt Is Nothing Then
        ' Current item is not a mail item.  Ignore mail item.
      ElseIf MailItemCrnt.ReceivedTime > LatestTimeToMove Then
        ' Too recent to move.  Ignore mail item.
        ' Move this email
        If FldrDestCrnt Is Nothing Then
          ' This is first email for this folder. Create destination
          ' folder unless it already exists.

          FldrSrcNameFull = GetFldrNameFull(FldrSrcCrnt)
          ' FldrNameFull is an array containing the full name of the source
          ' folder:
          '   FldrNameFull(0) is name of store
          '   FldrNameFull(1) is name of folder within store
          '   FldrNameFull(2) is name of folder within FldrNameFull(1)
          '   and so on until full name is specified.

          ' GetCreateFldr() requires an array like FldrNameFull but without
          ' the name of the store so discard element containng store name
          ReDim FldrDestNameFull(1 To UBound(FldrSrcNameFull))
          For InxName = 1 To UBound(FldrSrcNameFull)
            FldrDestNameFull(InxName) = FldrSrcNameFull(InxName)

          ' Check existence of destination folder. Create folder if it does not exist
          Set FldrDestCrnt = GetCreateFldr(StoreDest, FldrDestNameFull)

        End If

        MailItemCrnt.Move FldrDestCrnt

      End If

    Next InxItemCrnt

  Next InxFldrsSrc

End Sub

