
时间:2018-07-24 07:12:43

标签: haskell functional-programming tree fold


data Tree = Tree
  { name        :: String
  , children    :: [Tree]
  , ...

我的目标是能够映射树木及其子代的列表,以便我可以唯一地命名每棵树,因此以下代码中的Map结构代表了使用特定名称的次数,换句话说,Map Name Count。因此,如果我有函数baseName :: SystemTree -> String根据未列出的属性返回未编号的名称,则可以将其与映射中的数字组合,这样,即使重用了baseName,也不会使用任何名称两次。

nameSystemTrees :: Map String Int -> [Tree] -> (Map String Int, [Tree])
nameSystemTrees nameState trees =


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


mapTree :: ((a, Tree) -> (a, Tree)) -> (a, Tree) -> (a, Tree)
mapTree f startingPoint =
    root = f startingPoint

    (rootAcc, rootTree) = root

    originalChildren :: [Tree]
    originalChildren = children rootTree

    (newAcc, newChildren) =
      foldr (\child (acc, children) ->
          (newAcc, newTree) = mapTree f (acc, child)
          (newAcc, newTree : children)
      ) (rootAcc, []) originalChildren
    ( newAcc
    , rootTree
      { children = newChildren

答案 1 :(得分:0)

好吧,您不能使用Foldable(或相关类Traversable),因为这些类适用于类型* -> *的类型。也就是说,只能为Foldable这样的类型定义data Tree a = ...实例,而该类型已在另一类型a中进行了参数化,但是您的data Tree = ...没有参数化。


mapTreeM :: Monad m => (Tree -> m Tree) -> Tree -> m Tree
mapTreeM f = mtm  -- @f@ is the per-node action, @mtm@ the whole-tree action
  where mtm tree = do
          -- apply node action @f@ to root node
          tree' <- f tree
          -- recurse over children with @mtm@
          children' <- mapM mtm (children tree')
          -- update the children
          return $ tree' { children = children' }


data Tree = Tree
  { name :: String
  , children :: [Tree]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)


uniquifyNode :: Tree -> State (Map String Int) Tree
uniquifyNode node = do
  let nm = name node
  -- get current count for this name
  n <- gets (Map.findWithDefault 1 nm)
  -- store an updated count
  modify (Map.insert nm (n+1))
  -- return uniquified name
  return (node { name = nm ++ show n })


uniquifyTree :: Tree -> Tree
uniquifyTree t = evalState (mapTreeM uniquifyNode t) Map.empty


t0 :: Tree
t0 = Tree "a" [ Tree "a" []
              , Tree "b" [ Tree "a" []
                         , Tree "b" []
                         , Tree "c" []
      , Tree "c" [ Tree "a" [] ]


> uniquifyTree t0


t1 :: Tree
t1 = Tree "a1" [ Tree "a2" []
               , Tree "b1" [ Tree "a3" []
                           , Tree "b2" []
                           , Tree "c1" []
              , Tree "c2" [ Tree "a4" [] ]


mapTree :: ((a, Tree) -> (a, Tree)) -> (a, Tree) -> (a, Tree)
mapTree f (a, t) = let (t', a') = runState (mapTreeM g t) a in (a', t')
  where g t = state (\a -> let (a', t') = f (a, t) in (t', a'))

因此,从结构上讲,这与您已经完成的操作没有太大不同。您只是重新发明了状态monad(如(a, Tree) -> (a, Tree))并编写了一种自定义mapM来遍历树而无需使monadic动作通用化。


> -- replace all names with "foo" (Identity action)
> import Data.Functor.Identity
> runIdentity $ mapTreeM (\(Tree n c) -> Identity (Tree "foo" c)) t0
> -- read the names from a file (IO action)
> import System.IO
> withFile "/usr/share/dict/words" ReadMode $ 
    \h -> mapTreeM (\(Tree n c) -> flip Tree c <$> hGetLine h) t0    
> -- get a list of names in order (Writer action)
> import Control.Monad.Writer
> execWriter $ mapTreeM (\t@(Tree n _) -> tell [n] >> return t) t0


import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

data Tree = Tree
  { name :: String
  , children :: [Tree]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

mapTreeM :: Monad m => (Tree -> m Tree) -> Tree -> m Tree
mapTreeM f = mtm
  where mtm tree = do
          tree' <- f tree
          children' <- mapM mtm (children tree')
          return $ tree' { children = children' }

uniquifyNode :: Tree -> State (Map String Int) Tree
uniquifyNode node = do
  let nm = name node
  n <- gets (Map.findWithDefault 1 nm)
  modify (Map.insert nm (n+1))
  return (node { name = nm ++ show n })

uniquifyTree :: Tree -> Tree
uniquifyTree t = evalState (mapTreeM uniquifyNode t) Map.empty

t0 :: Tree
t0 = Tree "a" [ Tree "a" []
              , Tree "b" [ Tree "a" []
                         , Tree "b" []
                         , Tree "c" []
              , Tree "c" [ Tree "a" [] ]

t1 :: Tree
t1 = Tree "a1" [ Tree "a2" []
               , Tree "b1" [ Tree "a3" []
                           , Tree "b2" []
                           , Tree "c1" []
              , Tree "c2" [ Tree "a4" [] ]

main = print $ uniquifyTree t0 == t1