
时间:2018-07-23 22:57:28

标签: ios uitableview


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但是,当我运行该应用程序时: No lines

这是通过Storyboard完成的,因此不确定是否还需要其他信息。 万一我使用xcode源代码控制将其上传到Github:



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




3-要么实现import smtplib from email.message import EmailMessage from email.message import MIMEPart from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from base64 import encodebytes import mimetypes mSubject = 'Another new family reunion' mFrom = 'me@mgmail.com' mTo = 'mom@yahoo.com' mCC = 'sis@roadrunner.com' sLogin = 'me@gmail.com' sPass = 'mypass' mServer = "smtp.gmail.com" mPort = 465 filename1 = "file1.jpg" filename2 = "file2.jpg" filename3 = "file3.jpg" image_cid1 = filename1 + "@xxxx1" image_cid2 = filename2 + "@xxxx2" def inline_part(filename, icid): """ Creates a MIMEMultipart for embedded images """ part = MIMEMultipart('related') fp = open(filename, 'rb') part.set_payload(encodebytes(fp.read()).decode()) fp.close() part.add_header('Content-ID', '<' + icid + '>') part.add_header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64") return part def attach_part(filename): """ Creates a MIMEPart for attached images """ part = MIMEPart() fp = open(filename, 'rb') part.set_payload(encodebytes(fp.read()).decode()) fp.close() part.add_header("Content-Type", mimetypes.guess_type(filename2)[0] + '; filename="%s"' % filename) part.add_header("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "base64") part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename) return part #set up the mime types mimetypes.init() # Create the container email message. msg = EmailMessage() msg['Subject'] = mSubject msg['From'] = mFrom msg['To'] = mTo msg['Bcc'] = mCC body ="""<HTML> <head></head> <body> This is a test email to send an attachment. This is a linked image: <div align="center"><p><img src="http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/previews/success-road-sign-10031660.jpg"><br></p><p>&nbsp;</p></div> we will try to add two in-line images as well, named file1.jpg and file2.jpg """ # add each of the the in-line photo body info body += ' <p>This is file 1</p>\n<p><img id="'+ filename1 + '" src="cid:' + image_cid1 + '" alt="file01.jpg"></p>\n' body += ' <p>This is file 2</p>\n<p><img id="'+ filename2 + '" src="cid:' + image_cid2 + '" alt="file02.jpg"></p>\n' #add the rest of the body body +=""" <p>and we have attached one file "file3.jpg" </body> </HTML> """ # add the body to the message msg.add_alternative(body, subtype='html') msg.set_boundary("===myBoundry") # attach the in-line files msg.attach(inline_part(filename1, image_cid1)) msg.attach(inline_part(filename2, image_cid2)) # attach the attachment file msg.attach(attach_part(filename3)) # Open a connection to the mail server, log-on, send the message and disconnect try: server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mServer, mPort) server.set_debuglevel(0) server.login(sLogin, sPass) server.send_message(msg) server.quit() print ("Message sent Successfully") except Exception as e: print ("Error sending mail:\n\t" + str(e)) 并返回高度,要么在标签上设置顶部和底部约束并在heightForRowAt中自动设置






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答案 1 :(得分:1)

