“编译错误: 找不到方法或数据成员。”
Sub DiscountRate()
'Set Dimensions
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Value As Integer
Dim tempcount As Double
'Set parameters
Set SummarySheet = Sheets("Summary & Inputs")
Set ExpectedCompSheet = Sheets("Expected Compensation")
Set WorkYears = SummarySheet.Range("C40")
Set DiscountSheet = Sheets("Treasury Rates")
Set DiscountRateRange = DiscountSheet.Range("B7:L7")
'Clear column
'Clear color
ExpectedCompSheet.Range("H13:I113").Interior.Color = xlNone
'If prejudgment interest is filled, count and fill discount rate cells
i = 1
For Counter = 1 To WorkYears
If IsEmpty(ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(12 + Counter, 7)) = False Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(12 + Counter, 8).Interior.ColorIndex = 16
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(12 + Counter, 9).Interior.ColorIndex = 16
i = i + 1
End If
Next Counter
'Create increasing range to sum fractions of years
IncreasingRange = ExpectedCompSheet.Range(ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(12 + i, 5), _
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 5))
'Find discount rate associated with increasing years
For Counter = 1 To (WorkYears + 2 - i)
IncreasingRange = ExpectedCompSheet.Range(ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(12 + i, 5), _
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 5))
tempcount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(IncreasingRange)
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = getclosest(DiscountRateRange, tempcount)
Next Counter
For Counter = 1 To (WorkYears + 2 - i)
If ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 0.08 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "1 Month"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("B9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 0.25 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "3 Month"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("C9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 0.5 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "6 Month"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("D9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 1 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "1 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("E9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 2 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "2 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("F9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 3 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "3 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("G9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 5 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "5 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("H9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 7 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "7 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("I9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 10 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "10 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("J9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 20 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "20 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("K9") / 100
ElseIf ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = 30 Then
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 8) = "30 Year"
ExpectedCompSheet.Cells(11 + i + Counter, 9) = DiscountSheet.Range("L9") / 100
End If
Next Counter
End Sub
Function getclosest(ByVal rng As Range, tgt As Double) As Double
t = WorksheetFunction.Max(rng)
For Each r In rng
u = Abs(r - tgt)
If u < t Then
t = u
getclosest = r
End If
End Function
Sub CalculateExpectedComp()
Call Module1.ExpectedCompYear
Call Module1.ExpectedCompPeriod
Call Module1.ExpectedCompAge
Call Module1.ExpectedCompPaymentAnnual
Call Module1.ExpectedCompYearFrac
Call Module1.ExpectedCompPartialYearComp
Call Module1.PrejudgmentInterest
Call Module1.DiscountRate
Call Module1.PresentValueFactor
Call Module1.PV
Call Module1.CumulativeValue
Call Module1.Formatting
End Sub