这是我的代码,如果您想自己运行它,只需将其复制并另存为.bat。 它的意思是成为剪刀石头纸,看看我是否可以批量进行游戏,在您选择剪刀石头纸后,它会一直关闭。
@echo off
title Scissors, Paper, Rock
`Choosing between Scissors, Paper and Rock`
set /a ran=%random%
if /i %ran% GTR 3 goto an
if /i %ran% LSS 1 goto an
if %ran%==1 set %ans%=Scissors
if %ran%==2 set %ans%=Paper
if %ran%==3 set %ans%=Rock
`Human Making a Choice`
echo Choose:
echo [1] = Scissors
echo [2] = Paper
echo [3] = Rock
set /p text=
if text==1 goto 1
else if text==2 goto 2
else if text==3 goto 3
echo You chose Scissors. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Draw
if %ans%==Paper echo Win
if %ans%==Rock echo Loose
goto out
echo You chose Paper. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Loose
if %ans%==Paper echo Draw
if %ans%==Rock echo Win
goto out
echo You chose Rock. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Win
if %ans%==Paper echo Loose
if %ans%==Rock echo Draw
goto out
`Play again or not`
echo GG Want to play again?
echo [1] = Yes
echo [2] = No
set /p text=
if text==1 goto setting
if text==2 pause
答案 0 :(得分:1)
set /a
中包含vars net user
获取用户的名字:: Q:\Test\2018\07\22\SO_51462128.cmd
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
title Scissors, Paper, Rock
:: build array of ans[]
Set "ans[1]=Scissors"&Set "ans[2]=Paper"&Set "ans[3]=Rock"
Set /A "wins=Draw=Loss=0"
:: Get User first name
For /f "tokens=1-3,*" %%A in (
'net user "%USERNAME%" ^| findstr /i /B "..ll"'
) Do set "FirstName=%%C"
Echo Hi %FirstName%, let's play. %Score%
REM Choosing between Scissors, Paper and Rock
SET /A "min=1,max=3,Comp=(%RANDOM% %% max)+min"
Set "ans=!ans[%Comp%]!"
REM Human Making a Choice
echo Choose:
echo [1] = Scissors
echo [2] = Paper
echo [3] = Rock
Choice /CS /C 123e /M "e to exit"
set "User=%ErrorLevel%"
If %User%==4 exit /B
echo You chose !ans[%User%]!. The Computer chooses !ans[%Comp%]!
If %User%==%Comp% Call :Score Draw & Goto :ReStart
goto :Outcome%User%
:Outcome1 Scissors
if %ans%==Paper Call :Score Wins & Goto :ReStart
Call :Score Loss & Goto :ReStart
:Outcome2 Paper
if %ans%==Rock Call :Score Wins & Goto :ReStart
Call :Score Loss & Goto :ReStart
:Outcome3 Rock
if %ans%==Scissors Call :Score Wins & Goto :ReStart
Call :Score Loss & Goto :ReStart
Echo **%1**
set /A "%1+=1"
Set "Score=Wins:[%Wins%] Draw:[%Draw%] Loss:[%Loss%]"
timeout /t 5 >Nul
Hi LotPings, let's play. Wins:[4] Draw:[4] Loss:[1]
[1] = Scissors
[2] = Paper
[3] = Rock
e to exit [1,2,3,e]?
答案 1 :(得分:1)
在计算机程序中,有几种常见的技术可以编写更简单,更短的代码。其中最常用的一种是 array ,因为它允许使用相同的代码使用不同的值,而只是使用正确的值来选择适当的数组元素。您可以在this answer上了解批处理文件中的阵列管理。
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
title Scissors, Paper, Rock
rem Define array of items in "natural" (cyclic) order
set "item[0]=Paper"
set "item[1]=Scissors"
set "item[2]=Rock"
set "item[3]=Paper"
set /A "Loss=0, Draw=0, Wins=0"
rem Choosing between Scissors, Paper and Rock
set /A "comp=%random% %% 3"
rem Human Making a Choice
choice /N /C PSRe /M "Choose Scissors, Paper or Rock (E to exit): "
if %errorlevel% equ 4 exit /B
set /A "human=%errorlevel%-1, comp+=^!comp*^!(human-2)*3, human+=^!human*^!(comp-2)*3"
echo You chose !item[%human%]!. The Computer chooses !item[%comp%]!.
if %human% gtr %comp% (
set /A Wins+=1
) else if %human% lss %comp% (
set /A Loss+=1
) else (
set /A Draw+=1
echo Loss: %Loss% - Draw: %Draw% - Wins: %Wins%
goto loop
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
title Scissors, Paper, Rock
rem Define array of items in "natural" (cyclic) order
set "item[0]=Paper"
set "item[1]=Scissors"
set "item[2]=Rock"
set "item[3]=Paper"
rem Define the elements of the "score" results array
set /A "score[0]=0, score[1]=0, score[2]=0"
rem Choosing between Scissors, Paper and Rock
set /A "comp=%random% %% 3"
rem Human Making a Choice
choice /N /C PSRe /M "Choose Scissors, Paper or Rock (E to exit): "
if %errorlevel% equ 4 exit /B
set /A "human=%errorlevel%-1, comp+=^!comp*^!(human-2)*3, human+=^!human*^!(comp-2)*3, result=human-comp+1"
echo You chose !item[%human%]!. The Computer chooses !item[%comp%]!.
set /A "score[%result%]+=1"
echo Loss: %score[0]% - Draw: %score[1]% - Wins: %score[2]%
goto loop
答案 2 :(得分:0)
@echo off
title Scissors, Paper, Rock
REM Choosing between Scissors, Paper and Rock
:: Changed the way you generate the random number as it makes it much quick. This forced the answer to be 1, 2 or 3.
SET maxvalue=3
SET minvalue=1
SET /A ran=((%RANDOM%)%%(%maxvalue%))+(%minvalue%)
:: As you are comparing numbers, use the EQU, not ==. == is for comparing strings, not numerical values
:: When setting a variable, don't use the % sign, just type their name and call it with the % sign.
if %ran% equ 1 set ans=Scissors
if %ran% equ 2 set ans=Paper
if %ran% equ 3 set ans=Rock
if /i %ran% GTR 3 goto :an
if /i %ran% LSS 1 goto :an
REM Human Making a Choice
echo Choose:
echo [1] = Scissors
echo [2] = Paper
echo [3] = Rock
set /p text=
if %text% equ 1 goto :1
if %text% equ 2 goto :2
if %text% equ 3 goto :3
REM Outcome
echo You chose Scissors. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Draw
if %ans%==Paper echo Win
if %ans%==Rock echo Loose
goto :out
REM Outcome
echo You chose Paper. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Loose
if %ans%==Paper echo Draw
if %ans%==Rock echo Win
goto :out
REM Outcome
echo You chose Rock. The Computer chooses %ans%
if %ans%==Scissors echo Win
if %ans%==Paper echo Loose
if %ans%==Rock echo Draw
goto :out
REM Play again or not
echo GG Want to play again?
echo [1] = Yes
echo [2] = No
set /p Restart=
if %Restart% equ 1 goto :setting
if %Restart% equ 2 pause