
时间:2018-07-20 17:33:49

标签: excel vba excel-vba runtime-error

当我在Excel VBA中运行以下子例程时,出现此错误:




Sub Merge_Duplicate_Columns()

MsgBox ("The summed values of the two columns will automatically be placed in the firstCol selection, so choose accordingly.")

'Dim firstCol As Integer
'Dim secondCol As Integer
Dim firstLetter As String
Dim secondLetter As String

firstLetter = InputBox("Please enter the letter of the first column you would like to merge:", "First Choice")
secondLetter = InputBox("Please enter the letter of the second column you would like to merge:", "Second Choice")

'firstCol = source.Range(firstLetter & 1).Column         'need to set variables somehow
'secondCol = source.Range(secondLetter & 1).Column

'firstCol = source.Columns(firstLetter).Column
'secondCol = source.Columns(secondLetter).Column

Dim i As Integer
For i = rowStart To rowEnd
    source.Cells(i, firstLetter).Value = source.Cells(i, firstLetter).Value + source.Cells(i, secondLetter).Value
Next i

End Sub

code screenshot

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