标记为<a :href=""> inside of <router-link> in Vue.js

时间:2018-07-20 16:03:25

标签: vue.js nested frontend bind

well.. my target="_blank" inside of the <a :href> dont works, it was taken first the <router-link> propertie, I need that the "a" go to _blank and the router-link works in the same page, do you have a trick or tip?


              name: 'process',
              params: { id: process.id },
            }"><div class="activity-name">
              {{ process.name }}
            <div class="activity-caret">
              <icon :icon="['fas', 'caret-right']" />
            <div class="activity-caret">
              <a :href="url + process.id + '.' + process.version + '.xml' "
              target="_blank" class="button">
                <icon :icon="['fa', 'eye']" />

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