我有2个数组。我希望能够选择报价的类型以及要显示的报价数量。可悲的是我的代码什么也没显示。我尝试调试,但未显示任何错误。分开时,if语句运行正常,但我无法获得选项输入来运行“ for”循环。
the HTML
<p>Choose a type of quote. You can Choose 'a' for travel information or 'b' wise sayings.</p>
<form onsubmit=" mySayings()">
Quote: <select type="text"id="nQuotes" name="quote">
<option value="a">a</option>
<option value="b">b</option>
Number of quotes?:
<input id="quotesNeeded" type="number" min="1" max="5"/>
<input type="button" onsubmit="showQuote()" value="Submit"/>
<p id="demo"></p>
The js
//make the arrays
var countries=["America", "Kenya", "Thailand"];
var capitals = ["Washington", "Nairobi", "Bankok"];
var currency = ["dollar","shilling", "baht"];
var randomCountry = Math.floor(Math.random() * countries.length);
var randomCapital = Math.floor(Math.random() * capitals.length);
var randomCurrency = Math.floor(Math.random() * currency.length);
var myQuotes=["Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-- Winston S. Churchill","It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.-- Herman Melville","The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.-- Colin R. Davis"];
function mySayings(){
//get client choice from options input.
var x =document.getElementById('nQuotes').value;
var quote1 = "The capital of " + countries[randomCountry] + " is " + capitals[randomCapital] + "." + "It's currency is " + currency[randomCurrency] + ".";
var quote2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * myQuotes.length);
//get the number of quotes client needs from the input.
var quoteRun= document.getElementById('quotesNeeded').value;
for (var i = 0; i < quoteRun ; i++) {
if (x==='a') {
document.write('here is your quote.'+ ' ' + quote1);
else if (x==='b') {
document.write ('Here is your quote. ' + myQuotes[quote2]);
return false;
function showQuote(){
var qPrinter=document.getElementById('demo');
qPrinter.innerText = mySayings();