
时间:2018-07-17 19:37:43

标签: python

我正在处理此代码,但无法获取“ removeLetter”来删除用户从“选择”列表中选择的字母。我发现我不能将列表函数与字符串一起使用,但是我不知道如何制作 start.remove()代码可以正常工作,而无需转换用户的字符串输入以匹配他/她希望从“选择”列表中删除的项目。有人可以帮我吗?

import random

oneList = "a ", "b ", "c "
twoList = "d ", "e ", "f "
threeList = "g ", "h ", "i "
fourList = "j ", "k ", "l "

# Selects a letter at random from each list
oneRandom = random.choice(oneList)
twoRandom = random.choice(twoList)
threeRandom = random.choice(threeList)
fourRandom = random.choice(fourList)

# Displays chosen letter from each list
print("These are your letters.")
chosen = oneRandom + twoRandom + threeRandom + fourRandom

# First user input
start  = input("Would you like to remove a letter? y or n? ")

# If start = yes then do this.
if start == 'y':
    removeLetter = input("What letter would you like to remove? ")

    # Removes user's chosen letter.
    keptLetters = chosen.remove(removeLetter)

    # Displays kept letters.

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



您正在调用变量keptLetters = start.remove (removeLetter) ,但是变量start是带有字母列表的变量。所以这应该工作:


答案 1 :(得分:0)


Python 2

import random

letter_sets = (("a", "b", "c"),
               ("d", "e", "f"),
               ("g", "h", "i"),
               ("j", "k", "l"))

# Selects a letter at random from each list
chosen = map(random.choice, letter_sets)

# Displays chosen letter from each list
print "These are your letters."
print " ".join(chosen)

# First user input
start = raw_input("Would you like to remove a letter? y or n?")

# If start = yes then do this.
if start[0].lower() == 'y':
    while(len(chosen) == 4): #Keep looping until a letter is chosen
        removeLetter = raw_input("What letter would you like to remove?")
            # Removes user's chosen letter.
            # Displays kept letters.
            print " ".join(chosen)
        except ValueError: #If removeLetter is not in chosen
            print removeLetter, "is not in the list of letters"

Python 3

import random

letter_sets = (("a", "b", "c"),
               ("d", "e", "f"),
               ("g", "h", "i"),
               ("j", "k", "l"))

# Selects a letter at random from each list
chosen = list(map(random.choice, letter_sets))

# Displays chosen letter from each list
print("These are your letters.")
print(" ".join(chosen))

# First user input
start = input("Would you like to remove a letter? y or n?")

# If start = yes then do this.
if start[0].lower() == 'y':
    while(len(chosen) == 4): #Keep looping until a letter is chosen
        removeLetter = input("What letter would you like to remove?")
            # Removes user's chosen letter.
            # Displays kept letters.
            print(" ".join(chosen))
        except ValueError: #If removeLetter is not in chosen
            print(removeLetter, "is not in the list of letters")
  1. 具有多个列表,并且重复您的代码不是很Python。因此,我将“列表”作为元组的元组(因为您可能不打算对其进行修改)。如果是这样,则通过用方括号[]而不是括号()来表示列表来更改列表。
  2. 由于您要对多个列表执行相同的操作,因此可以使用map()函数将所有列表中的结果都放入一个列表中。
  3. chosen应该保留为列表,而不是字符串,因为将来您将通过删除字母来对其进行操作。
  4. 您可以轻松地join()将列表中的所有项目一起作为一个字符串,并用一个空格" "分隔。
  5. 由于如果该值不在列表中,list.remove()可以发回ValueError,所以您需要在try..except块中处理该值。
  6. 可以用while循环包围您的逻辑,以在先前尝试失败的情况下继续要求删除字母。
  7. chosen.remove更改了原始数组,因此您无需将其保存到keptLetters中。


编辑:添加了等效的Python 2代码

答案 2 :(得分:-1)

Je pense que sa doitêtreça

import random oneList = "a ", "b ", "c "
twoList = "d ", "e ", "f " 
threeList = "g ", "h ", "i " 
fourList = "j ", "k ", "l " 
# Selects a letter at random from each list 
oneRandom = random.choice(oneList) 
twoRandom = random.choice(twoList) 
threeRandom = random.choice(threeList) 
fourRandom = random.choice(fourList) 
# Displays chosen letter from each list 
print("These are your letters.") chosen = oneRandom + twoRandom + threeRandom + fourRandom print(chosen) 
# First user input 
start = input("Would you like to remove a letter? y or n? ") 
# If start = yes then do this. 
if start == 'y': removeLetter = input("What letter would you like to remove? ") 
# Removes user's chosen letter. 
keptLetters = chosen.remove(removeLetter)
# Displays kept letters. 