带有拖放的Python Tkinter Table订单表列

时间:2018-07-17 10:05:26

标签: python tkinter drag-and-drop

我试图创建一个示例表/网格,其中的列可以通过拖放来移动。 我为此使用了tkinter树视图。 我的示例可以工作,但是基本,并且与C#中的内置网格相比,我对它的操作/外观不满意。 有人可以改善我在这里所做的事情吗?

import Tkinter as tk
import ttk

def bDown(event):
    print "button down ---------------------------"
    global col_from
    tv = event.widget
    col = int(tv.identify_column(event.x)[1:]) - 1  # subtract 1 because display columns array 0 = tree column 1
    col_from = col
    print "selected index {}".format(col)

def bUp(event):
    print "button up ---------------------------"
    tv = event.widget
    col_to = int(tv.identify_column(event.x)[1:]) - 1  # subtract 1 because display columns array 0 = tree column 1

    if col_from != col_to:
        dcols = list(tv["displaycolumns"])
        if dcols[0] == "#all":
            dcols = list(tv["columns"])
        print "Display Columns"
        print dcols
        print "move from {} to {}".format(col_from, col_to)

        if col_from > col_to:
            dcols.insert(col_to, dcols[col_from])
            dcols.pop(col_from + 1)
            dcols.insert(col_to + 1, dcols[col_from])
        print dcols

# Variable to hold initial choice of column to move
col_from = 0

root = tk.Tk()

# List of columns
columns = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]

# Create treeview with columns. Display all columns
tree = ttk.Treeview(columns=columns)#, displaycolumns=columns)

# Set headers
for col in columns:
    tree.heading(col, text=col)

# Make first column (tree node) very narrow
tree.column("#0", stretch=tk.N, minwidth=10, width=10)

# insert some items into the tree
for i in range(10):
    tree.insert('', 'end',iid='line%i' % i, values=(i, i+10, i+20, i+30, i+40, i+50, i+60))

tree.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", bDown)
tree.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>",bUp, add='+')


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import Tkinter as tk
import ttk

def bDown(event):
    global col_from, dx, col_from_id
    tv = event.widget
    if tv.identify_region(event.x, event.y) != 'separator':
        col = tv.identify_column(event.x)
        col_from_id = tv.column(col, 'id')
        col_from = int(col[1:]) - 1  # subtract 1 because display columns array 0 = tree column 1
        # get column x coordinate and width
        bbox = tv.bbox(tv.get_children("")[0], col_from_id)
        dx = bbox[0] - event.x  # distance between cursor and column left border
        tv.heading(col_from_id, text='')
        visual_drag.place(in_=tv, x=bbox[0], y=0, anchor='nw', width=bbox[2], relheight=1)
        col_from = None

def bUp(event):
    tv = event.widget
    col_to = int(tv.identify_column(event.x)[1:]) - 1  # subtract 1 because display columns array 0 = tree column 1
    if col_from is not None:
        tv.heading(col_from_id, text=visual_drag.heading('#1', 'text'))
        if col_from != col_to:
            dcols = list(tv["displaycolumns"])
            if dcols[0] == "#all":
                dcols = list(tv["columns"])

            if col_from > col_to:
                dcols.insert(col_to, dcols[col_from])
                dcols.pop(col_from + 1)
                dcols.insert(col_to + 1, dcols[col_from])

def bMotion(event):
    # drag around label if visible
    if visual_drag.winfo_ismapped():
        visual_drag.place_configure(x=dx + event.x)

# Variable to hold initial choice of column to move
col_from = 0

root = tk.Tk()

# List of columns
columns = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]

# Create treeview with columns. Display all columns
tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=columns, show='headings')  # , displaycolumns=columns)
# treeview to show column motion
visual_drag = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=columns, show='headings')
# Set headers
for col in columns:
    tree.heading(col, text=col)
    visual_drag.heading(col, text=col)

# insert some items into the tree
for i in range(10):
    tree.insert('', 'end', iid='line%i' % i,
                values=(i, i+10, i+20, i+30, i+40, i+50, i+60))
    visual_drag.insert('', 'end', iid='line%i' % i,
                       values=(i, i+10, i+20, i+30, i+40, i+50, i+60))

tree.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", bDown)



import Tkinter as tk
import ttk

def swap(tv, col1, col2):
    dcols = list(tv["displaycolumns"])
    if dcols[0] == "#all":
        dcols = list(tv["columns"])
    id1 = tree.column(col1, 'id')
    id2 = tree.column(col2, 'id')
    i1 = dcols.index(id1)
    i2 = dcols.index(id2)
    dcols[i1] = id2
    dcols[i2] = id1
    tv["displaycolumns"] = dcols

def bDown(event):
    global dx, col_from_id
    tv = event.widget
    if tv.identify_region(event.x, event.y) != 'separator':
        col = tv.identify_column(event.x)
        col_from_id = tv.column(col, 'id')
        # get column x coordinate and width
        bbox = tv.bbox(tv.get_children("")[0], col_from_id)
        dx = bbox[0] - event.x  # distance between cursor and column left border
#        tv.heading(col_from_id, text='')
        visual_drag.place(in_=tv, x=bbox[0], y=0, anchor='nw', width=bbox[2], relheight=1)
        col_from_id = None

def bUp(event):

def bMotion(event):
    tv = event.widget
    # drag around label if visible
    if visual_drag.winfo_ismapped():
        x = dx + event.x
        # middle of the dragged column
        xm = int(x + visual_drag.column('#1', 'width')/2)
        col = tv.identify_column(xm)
        # if the middle of the dragged column is in another column, swap them
        if tv.column(col, 'id') != col_from_id:
            swap(tv, col_from_id, col)

# Variable to hold initial choice of column to move
col_from = 0

root = tk.Tk()

# List of columns
columns = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]

# Create treeview with columns. Display all columns
tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=columns, show='headings')  # , displaycolumns=columns)
# treeview to show column motion
visual_drag = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=columns, show='headings')
# Set headers
for col in columns:
    tree.heading(col, text=col)
    visual_drag.heading(col, text=col)

# insert some items into the tree
for i in range(10):
    tree.insert('', 'end', iid='line%i' % i,
                values=(i, i+10, i+20, i+30, i+40, i+50, i+60))
    visual_drag.insert('', 'end', iid='line%i' % i,
                       values=(i, i+10, i+20, i+30, i+40, i+50, i+60))

tree.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", bDown)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


MoveTreeviewColumn(mytoplevel, mytree)

bserve move column2.gif

  • 使用对齐网格
  • 在列标题上按住鼠标按钮以启动
  • 从左到右再向后移动列
  • 树形视图下方的按钮被涂黑
  • 列显示为矩形边框
  • 当您松开按钮时,Treeview 列会重新排序


try:  # Python 3
    import tkinter as tk
except ImportError:  # Python 2
    import Tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from collections import namedtuple
from os import popen
BUTTON_HEIGHT = 63                  # Button region to black out during move

class MoveTreeviewColumn:
    """ Shift treeview column to preferred order """

    def __init__(self, toplevel, treeview, row_release=None):

        self.toplevel = toplevel
        self.treeview = treeview
        self.row_release = row_release      # Button-Release not on heading
        self.region = None                  # Region of treeview clicked

        self.col_cover_top = None           # toplevel move columns
        self.col_top_is_active = False      # column move in progress?
        self.canvas = None                  # tk Canvas with column photos
        self.col_being_moved = None         # Column being moved in '#?' form
        self.col_swapped = False            # Did we swap a column?

        self.images = []                    # GIC protected image list
        self.canvas_names = []              # treeview column names
        self.canvas_widths = []             # matching widths
        self.canvas_objects = []            # List of canvas objects
        self.canvas_x_offsets = []          # matching x-offsets within canvas

        self.canvas_index = None            # Canvas index being moved
        self.canvas_name = None             # Treeview column name
        self.canvas_object = None           # Canvas item object being moved
        self.canvas_original_x = None       # Canvas item starting offset
        self.start_mouse_pos = None         # Starting position to calc delta

        self.treeview.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.start)
        self.treeview.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.stop)
        self.treeview.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.motion)

    def close(self):

    def start(self, event):
            Button 1 was just pressed for library treeview or backups treeview

        :param event: tkinter event

        #print('<ButtonPress-1>', event.x, event.y)
        self.region = self.treeview.identify("region", event.x, event.y)

        if self.region != 'heading':

        Mouse = namedtuple('Mouse', 'x y')
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self.start_mouse_pos = Mouse(event.x, event.y)

        if self.col_cover_top is not None:
            print('toolkit.py MoveTreeviewColumn attempting to create self.col_cover_top a second time.')

        if self.col_top_is_active is False:
            return  # Released button quickly or error creating top level

        # The column being moved - Recalculated after snap to grid
        self.col_being_moved = self.treeview.identify_column(event.x)
        #print('self.col_being_moved:', self.col_being_moved)
        self.treeview.config(cursor='boat red red')  # boat cursor supports red
        self.col_swapped = False
        #print('\n columns BEFORE:', self.canvas_names)

    def stop(self, event):
        """ Determine if we were in motion before we lifted mouse button
        if self.region != 'heading':
            # If button release not on heading call optional row_release
            if self.row_release is not None:

        ''' Destroy toplevel used for moving columns on canvas '''
        if self.col_top_is_active:
            # Destroy top level window covering up old music player position
            if self.col_cover_top is not None:
                if self.col_swapped:
                    #print('columns AFTER :', self.canvas_names)
                    self.treeview["displaycolumns"] = self.canvas_names
                    self.toplevel.update_idletasks()  # just in case
                self.col_cover_top = None
            self.col_top_is_active = False

    def motion(self, event):
        What if only 1 column?

        What if horizontal scroll and non-displayed columns to left or right
        of displayed treeview columns? Need to compare 'displaycolumns' to
        current treeview.

        :param event: Tkinter event with x, y, widget
        if self.region != 'heading':

        # Calculate delta - distance travelled since startup or snap to grid
        change = event.x - self.start_mouse_pos.x

        # Calculate new start, middle and ending x offsets for source object
        new_x = int(self.canvas_original_x + change)  # Sometimes we get float?
        new_middle_x = new_x + self.canvas_widths[self.canvas_index] // 2
        new_x2 = new_x + self.canvas_widths[self.canvas_index]
        self.canvas.coords(self.canvas_object, (new_x, 0))  # Move on screen

        ''' Make column snap to next (jump) when over half way -
            Either half of target is covered or half of source
            has moved into target 
        if change < 0:  # Mouse is moving column to the left
            if self.canvas_index == 0:
                return  # We are already first column on left
            target_index = self.canvas_index - 1
            target_start_x, target_middle_x, target_end_x = self.get_target(
            if new_x > target_middle_x and new_middle_x > target_end_x:
                return  # Not eligible for snap to grid

        elif change > 0:  # Mouse is moving column to the right
            if self.canvas_index == len(self.canvas_x_offsets) - 1:
                return  # We are already last column on right
            target_index = self.canvas_index + 1
            target_start_x, target_middle_x, target_end_x = self.get_target(
            if new_x2 < target_middle_x and new_middle_x < target_start_x:
                return  # Not eligible for snap to grid
            #print('toolkit.py MoveTreeviewColumn motion() called with no motion.')
            # Common occurrence when mouse moves fraction back and forth
            return  # Mouse didn't change position

        ''' Swap our column and the target column beside us (snap to grid).
            Calculate jump factor and then make mouse jump by same amount

        ''' Diagnostic section
        print('\n<B1-Motion>', event.x, event.y)
        print('\tcanvas_index   :', self.canvas_index,
              '\ttarget_index:  :', target_index,
              '\toriginal_x     :', self.canvas_original_x)
        print('\tnew_x          :', new_x,
              '\tnew_middle_x   :', new_middle_x,
              '\tnew_x2         :', new_x2)
        print('\ttarget_start_x :', target_start_x,
              '\ttarget_middle_x:', target_middle_x,
              '\ttarget_end_x   :', target_end_x)

        if target_index < self.canvas_index:
            # snapping to grid on left
            if self.canvas_index == 0:
                return  # Can't go before first column
            new_target_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index] + \
            new_source_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index]
            # snapping to grid on right
            if self.canvas_index == len(self.canvas_widths) - 1:
                return  # Can't go past last column
            new_source_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[self.canvas_index] + \
            new_target_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[self.canvas_index]

        # Swap lists at target index and self.canvas_index
        source_old_x = self.canvas.coords(self.canvas_object)[0]
        self.source_to_target(target_index, new_target_x, new_source_x)
        source_new_x = self.canvas.coords(self.canvas_object)[0]
        source_x_jump = source_new_x - source_old_x
        #print('source_x_jump:', source_x_jump)

        # Move mouse on screen to reflect snapping to grid
        self.treeview.unbind("<B1-Motion>")            # Don't call ourself
        ''' If you don't have xdotool installed, activate following code
        mouse_x = self.toplevel.winfo_x() + event.x + source_x_jump
        mouse_y = self.toplevel.winfo_y() + event.y
        # mouse_move_to takes .1 to .14 seconds and flickers new window
        move_mouse_to(mouse_x, mouse_y)
        # xdotool takes .006 to .012 seconds and no flickering window
        popen("xdotool mousemove_relative -- " + str(int(source_x_jump)) + " 0")
        self.treeview.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.motion)

        # Recalibrate mouse starting position within toplevel
        Mouse = namedtuple('Mouse', 'x y')
        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        self.start_mouse_pos = Mouse(event.x + source_x_jump, event.y)

        self.col_swapped = True  # We swapped a column so update treeview

    def get_source(self, col_being_moved):
        """ Set self.canvas_xxx instances """
        # Strip treeview '#' from '#?' column number
        self.canvas_index = int(col_being_moved.replace('#', '')) - 1
        self.canvas_name = self.canvas_names[self.canvas_index]
        self.canvas_object = self.canvas_objects[self.canvas_index]
        self.canvas_original_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[self.canvas_index]
        self.canvas.tag_raise(self.canvas_object)  # Top stacking order

    def get_target(self, target_index):
        target_start_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index]
        target_middle_x = target_start_x + \
            self.canvas_widths[target_index] // 2
        if target_index == len(self.canvas_x_offsets) - 1:
            # This is the last column on right so use canvas width
            target_end_x = self.canvas.winfo_width()
            # This is the last column on right so use canvas width
            target_end_x = self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index + 1]

        return target_start_x, target_middle_x, target_end_x

    def swap(lst, x1, x2):
        # Shorthand
        lst[x1], lst[x2] = lst[x2], lst[x1]

    def source_to_target(self, target_index, new_target_x, new_source_x):
        """ Swap source and target columns """
        self.swap(self.canvas_names, self.canvas_index, target_index)
        self.swap(self.canvas_objects, self.canvas_index, target_index)
        self.swap(self.canvas_widths, self.canvas_index, target_index)
        self.canvas_x_offsets[self.canvas_index] = new_target_x
        self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index] = new_source_x

        # Swap the two images on canvas
                           (self.canvas_x_offsets[self.canvas_index], 0))
                           (self.canvas_x_offsets[target_index], 0))

        # Now that columns swapped on canvas, get new variables
        self.col_being_moved = "#" + str(target_index + 1)

    def create_move_column(self):
            Create canvas toplevel covering up treeview.
            Canvas divided into rectangles for each column.
            Track <B1-Motion> horizontally to swap with next column.

        if self.col_cover_top is not None:
            print('trying to create self.col_cover_top again!!!')

        self.toplevel.update()              # Refresh current coordinates
        self.col_top_is_active = True

        # create named tuple class with names x, y, w, h
        Geom = namedtuple('Geom', ['x', 'y', 'w', 'h'])

        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        top_geom = Geom(self.toplevel.winfo_x(),

        #print('\n tkinter top_geom:', top_geom)

        ''' Take screenshot of treeview region (x, y, w, h)
        # X11 takes 4.5 seconds first time and .67 seconds subsequent times
        #top_image = x11.screenshot(top_geom.x, top_geom.y,
        #                           top_geom.w, top_geom.h)

        # gnome screenshot entire desktop takes .25 seconds
        top_image = gnome_screenshot(top_geom)

        # Did button get released while we were capturing screen?
        if self.col_top_is_active is False:

        # Mount our column moving window over original treeview
        self.col_cover_top = tk.Toplevel()
        self.col_cover_top.overrideredirect(True)   # No window decorations
        # No title when undecorated (override direct = true)
        #self.col_cover_top.title("Shift column - bserve")
        self.col_cover_top.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.col_cover_top.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)

        can_frame = tk.Frame(self.col_cover_top, bg="grey",
                             width=top_geom.w, height=top_geom.h)
        can_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=tk.NSEW)
        can_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        can_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)

        self.canvas = tk.Canvas(can_frame, width=top_geom.w,
                                height=top_geom.h, bg="grey")
        self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew')
        Publish to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51425272/6929343

        TODO -  We are looping through all columns. We only want the ones
                in currently visible scrolled region.

        total_width = 0
        self.images = []                    # Reset GIC protected image list
        self.canvas_names = []              # treeview column ids (names)
        self.canvas_widths = []             # matching widths
        self.canvas_objects = []            # List of canvas objects
        self.canvas_x_offsets = []          # matching x-offsets within canvas

        for i, column in enumerate(self.treeview['displaycolumns']):

            col_width = self.treeview.column(column)['width']
            # Create cropped image for column out of screenshot using 1 px
            # border width.  Extra crop from bottom to exclude buttons.
            image = top_image.crop([total_width + 1, 1,
                                    total_width + col_width - 2,
                                    top_geom.h - 63])

            # Make a black background image at original column size
            new_im = Image.new("RGB", (col_width, top_geom.h))

            # Paste cropped column image inside black image making a border
            new_im.paste(image, (2, 2))
            photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(new_im)
            self.images.append(photo)       # Prevent GIC (garbage collection)
            item = self.canvas.create_image(total_width, 0,
                                            image=photo, anchor=tk.NW)
            total_width += col_width

            # Did button get released while we were formatting canvas?
            if self.col_top_is_active is False:

        # Move the column cover window with canvas over original treeview
            top_geom.w, top_geom.h, top_geom.x, top_geom.y))
        self.col_cover_top.deiconify()  # Forces window to appear
        self.col_cover_top.update()  # This is required for visibility

def move_mouse_to(x, y):
    """ Moves the mouse to an absolute location on the screen.
        Rather slow at .1 second and causes brief screen flicker.
        From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/66808226/6929343
        Visit link for other options under Windows and Mac.
        For Linux use xdotool for .007 response time and no flicker.
    # Create a new temporary root
    temp_root = tk.Tk()
    # Move it to +0+0 and remove the title bar
    # Make sure the window appears on the screen and handles the `overrideredirect`
    # Generate the event as @a bar nert did
    temp_root.event_generate("<Motion>", warp=True, x=x, y=y)
    # Make sure that tcl handles the event
    # Destroy the root

def gnome_screenshot(geom):
    """ Screenshot using old gnome 3.18 standards """

    import gi
    gi.require_version('Gdk', '3.0')
    gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
    gi.require_version('Wnck', '3.0')
    # gi.require_versions({"Gtk": "3.0", "Gdk": "3.0", "Wnck": "3.0"})  # Python 3

    from gi.repository import Gdk, GdkPixbuf, Gtk, Wnck

    Gdk.threads_init()  # From: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15728170/
    while Gtk.events_pending():

    screen = Wnck.Screen.get_default()
    w = Gdk.get_default_root_window()
    pb = Gdk.pixbuf_get_from_window(w, *geom)
    desk_pixels = pb.read_pixel_bytes().get_data()
    raw_img = Image.frombytes('RGB', (geom.w, geom.h), desk_pixels,
                              'raw', 'RGB', pb.get_rowstride(), 1)
    return raw_img

# End of: toolkit.py