使“ autobid”命令停止“ auction”命令中的计时器?

时间:2018-07-17 04:58:07

标签: python discord discord.py







  • 代码没有引发错误,
  • autobid命令的确使机器人说了应该说的话,
  • autobid并没有停止auction命令中的倒计时。



@commands.has_any_role("Admin", "Mods")
async def auction(ctx, member: discord.Member, message1, number, number2, num: int, number4):
    if member is None:
        member = ctx.message.author
    auction = discord.Embed(title='Auction Host: ', description=(member.mention), color=0x00ff00)
    auction.add_field(name='Cards/Items: ', value=(message1), inline=False)
    auction.add_field(name='Starting Bid: ', value=(number), inline=False)
    auction.add_field(name='Increment: ', value=(number2), inline=False)
    auction.add_field(name='Time Left: ', value=(num), inline=False)
    auction.add_field(name='Auto Bid: ', value=(number4), inline=False)
    message = await bot.say(embed=auction)
    perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=True)
    server = bot.get_server("459456116208959492")
    rank = discord.utils.get(ctx.message.server.roles, name='Members')
    await bot.edit_channel_permissions(channel=ctx.message.channel, target=rank, overwrite=perms)
    await bot.say("@here")
    if num > 10801:
        return await bot.say("I don't think I'm allowed to go above 3 hours!")
    elif num <= 0:
        return await bot.say("Can't be zero or negative.")

    id = ctx.message.channel.id
    if running.get(id, 0) > 0:
        # if the countdown while loop is already running,
        # don't start another one in the same channel
        return await bot.say("Already running.")

    running[id] = num

    while True:
        running[id] = running[id] - 1
        if running[id] <= 0:
            auction3 = discord.Embed(title='Auction Host: ', description=(member.mention), color=0x00ff00)
            auction3.add_field(name='Cards/Items: ', value=(message1), inline=False)
            auction3.add_field(name='Starting Bid: ', value=(number), inline=False)
            auction3.add_field(name='Increment: ', value=(number2), inline=False)
            auction3.add_field(name='Time Left: ', value="Auction Over!", inline=False)
            auction3.add_field(name='Auto Bid: ', value=(number4), inline=False)
            await bot.edit_message(message, new_content=None, embed=auction3)
            perms = discord.PermissionOverwrite(send_messages=False)
            server = bot.get_server("459456116208959492")
            rank = discord.utils.get(ctx.message.server.roles, name='Members')
            await bot.edit_channel_permissions(channel=ctx.message.channel, target=rank, overwrite=perms)

        auction2 = discord.Embed(title='Auction Host: ', description=(member.mention), color=0x00ff00)
        auction2.add_field(name='Cards/Items: ', value=(message1), inline=False)
        auction2.add_field(name='Starting Bid: ', value=(number), inline=False)
        auction2.add_field(name='Increment: ', value=(number2), inline=False)
        auction2.add_field(name='Time Left: ', value="{} seconds".format(running[id]), inline=False)
        auction2.add_field(name='Auto Bid: ', value=(number4), inline=False)
        await bot.edit_message(message, new_content=None, embed=auction2)
        await sleep(1)

    await bot.say(member.mention + " your auction of " + str(message1) + " has ended!")

async def autobid(ctx, number6, member: discord.Member = None):
    running[ctx.message.channel.id] = 0
    if member is None:
        member = ctx.message.author

    await bot.say(str(ctx.message.author.mention) + ' has won the auction with an autobid of: ' + str(number6).format(member))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



根据我对你的问题的理解,你基本上想要   autobid命令将成为终止action的“停止”命令   命令的while循环。


from discord.ext import commands
from asyncio import sleep

bot = commands.Bot('.')
running = {}

async def run(ctx):
    channel = ctx.message.channel
    if running.get(channel.id, False): 
        # if the infinite running while loop is already running, 
        # don't start another one in the same channel
        return await bot.send_message(channel, "already running")

    running[channel.id] = True
    while running[channel.id]:
        # prints a message every second until `.stop` is typed
        await bot.send_message(channel, "still running")
        await sleep(1)

async def stop(ctx):
    channel = ctx.message.channel
    running[channel.id] = False
    await bot.send_message(channel, "the loop had been stopped.")



from discord.ext import commands
from asyncio import sleep

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
running = {}

async def countdown(ctx, num: int):
    if num > 10800:
        return await bot.say("Too long.")
    elif num <= 0:
        return await bot.say("Can't be zero or negative.")

    id = ctx.message.channel.id
    if running.get(id, 0) > 0:
        # if the countdown while loop is already running,
        # don't start another one in the same channel
        return await bot.say("Already running.")

    running[id] = num

    while True:
        running[id] -= 1
        if running[id] <= 0:
            # do something when counter's at zero

        # do something...
        await sleep(1)

    await bot.say("Done.")

async def stop(ctx):
    running[ctx.message.channel.id] = 0
    await bot.say("The countdown had been stopped.")



from discord.ext import commands
from asyncio import sleep

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')
running = 0

async def countdown(num: int):
    if num > 10800:
        return await bot.say("Too long.")
    elif num <= 0:
        return await bot.say("Can't be zero or negative.")

    if running > 0:
        # if the countdown while loop is already running,
        # don't start another one in the same channel
        return await bot.say("Already running.")

    running = num

    while True:
        running -= 1
        if running <= 0:
            # do something when counter's at zero

        # do something...
        await sleep(1)

    await bot.say("Done.")

async def stop():
    running = 0
    await bot.say("The countdown had been stopped.")
