
时间:2018-07-16 20:57:04

标签: java arrays bufferedreader filereader



package sample.package;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;

public class SampleClass {

 * @param args
public static String fileLocation;                                                  //Used to declare the file path

public static void readAndArray(String fileLocation) throws IOException {           //Method to read a file and put each line into an array
    BufferedReader lineRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileLocation));     //Read the file and be able to parse it into separate lines

        String line = lineRead.readLine();                                          //Put line into variable so it isn't a boolean statement

        while ((line = lineRead.readLine()) !=null) {                               //Make it possible to print out array as BufferedReader is used

            String[] oneLine = new String[] {line};                                 //Put parsed line in new array and parsing that data for individual spots in array
            System.out.println(oneLine[0]);                                         //Print out each oneLine array
        lineRead.close();                                                           //Neatly close BufferedReader and FileReader

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{

    readAndArray("filePath"); //Initialize method by inputting the file path



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长话短说:有RFC 4180,但不要指望您所有的.csv文件都坚持下去。引用Wikipedia


CSV文件格式未完全标准化。基本思想   用逗号分隔字段很明显,但是这个想法得到了   当字段数据还可能包含逗号甚至是   嵌入式换行符。 CSV实现可能无法处理此类字段   数据,也可以使用引号将其括起来。报价单   不能解决所有问题:某些字段可能需要嵌入引号   标记,因此CSV实现可能包含转义字符或转义   序列。

在意识到并希望理解所提供的兼容性警告之后,下面的代码示例将完全忽略它,并提供了一种快速而肮脏的解决方案(请不要在生产中使用它,认真地……如何不被解雇101:使用经过良好测试的库,例如opencsvApache Commons CSV):

public static void main(String[] args)
    Path path = Paths.get("some path"); // TODO Change to path to an CSV file

    try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(path))
        List<List<String>> rows = lines
                // Map each line of the file to its fields (String[])
                .map(line -> line.split(","))
                // Map the fields of each line to unmodifiable lists
                .map(fields -> Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(fields))
                // Collect the unmodifiable lists in an unmodiable list (listception)

        // Ensure file is not empty.
        if (rows.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("empty file");

        // Ensure all lines have the same number of fields.
        int fieldsPerRow = rows.get(0).size();
        if (!rows.stream().allMatch(row -> row.size() == fieldsPerRow))
            throw new IllegalStateException("not all rows have the same number of fields");

        // Assume the file has a header line appearing as the first line.
        System.out.printf("Column names: %s\n", rows.get(0));

        // Read the data rows.
                .skip(1) // Skip header line
    catch (IOException | UncheckedIOException e)
        e.printStackTrace(); // TODO Handle exception


  • 字段之间用逗号分隔
  • 行被认为由换行符('\ n'),回车符('\ r')或回车符后立即换行(由{使用的BufferedReader行为{1}})
  • 所有行都具有相同数量的字段
  • 第一行是标题行
  • 实现者太懒了,无法介意用双引号引起来的字段
