我在Laravel5应用中将https://github.com/antonioribeiro/google2fa-laravel用于MFA。 OTP仅在第一次使用。如果我注销并尝试再次登录,则除非使用了浏览器,然后再次尝试登录,否则它使用的OTP均不正确。
namespace PragmaRX\Google2FALaravel;
use Closure;
use PragmaRX\Google2FALaravel\Support\Authenticator;
class Middleware
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$authenticator = app(Authenticator::class)->boot($request);
if ($authenticator->isAuthenticated()) {
return $next($request);
return $authenticator->makeRequestOneTimePasswordResponse();
`$authenticator->isAuthenticated() `it return true even I enter wrong OTP. Seems like something need to update in config file.
return [
* Auth container binding
'enabled' => true,
* Lifetime in minutes.
* In case you need your users to be asked for a new one time passwords from time to time.
'lifetime' => 0, // 0 = eternal
* Renew lifetime at every new request.
'keep_alive' => true,
* Auth container binding
'auth' => 'auth',
* 2FA verified session var
'session_var' => 'google2fa',
* One Time Password request input name
'otp_input' => 'one_time_password',
* One Time Password Window
'window' => 1,
* Forbid user to reuse One Time Passwords.
'forbid_old_passwords' => false,
* User's table column for google2fa secret
'otp_secret_column' => 'google2fa_secret',
* One Time Password View
'view' => 'google2fa.index',
* One Time Password error message
'error_messages' => [
'wrong_otp' => "The 'One Time Password' typed was wrong.",
* Throw exceptions or just fire events?
'throw_exceptions' => true,