我从网络上获取了一个示例程序,并确保我试图理解每个步骤。它使用以下内容: 1)三层网络。输入具有784列或特征,其像素值为0-255 2)1个具有250个神经元的隐藏节点 3)1个输出节点和1个神经元 4)-1和1之间随机生成的两层的权重 5)在每个时期将整批培训以学习率为0.1
import numpy as np
dataset = np.loadtxt(open("train.csv", "rb"), delimiter=",",skiprows=1,dtype=float)
X = dataset[:,1:]
y = dataset[:,0]
X = X/255
y = y/10
y = np.reshape(y,(len(y),1)) ## Necessary to avoid mismatching dimensions
def sigmoid(x, derive=False):
if derive:
return x * (1 - x)
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
# Define a learning rate
eta = 0.1
# Define the number of epochs for learning
epochs = 500000
w01 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(784,250))
w12 = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(250,1))
# Start feeding forward and backpropagate *epochs* times.
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Feed forward
z_h = np.dot(X, w01)
a_h = sigmoid(z_h)
z_o = np.dot(a_h, w12)
a_o = sigmoid(z_o)
# Calculate the error
a_o_error = ((1 / 2) * (np.power((a_o - y), 2)))
#a_o_error = y-a_o
# Backpropagation
## Output layer
delta_a_o_error = a_o - y
delta_z_o = sigmoid(a_o,derive=True)
delta_w12 = a_h
delta_output_layer = np.dot(delta_w12.T,(delta_a_o_error * delta_z_o))
## Hidden layer
delta_a_h = np.dot(delta_a_o_error * delta_z_o, w12.T)
delta_z_h = sigmoid(a_h,derive=True)
delta_w01 = X
delta_hidden_layer = np.dot(delta_w01.T, delta_a_h * delta_z_h)
w01 = w01 - eta * delta_hidden_layer
w12 = w12 - eta * delta_output_layer
if epoch % 100 == 0:
print ("Loss at epoch "+str(epoch)+":"+str(np.mean(np.square(y - a_o))))
X_Test = X[129]
Y_Test = y[129]
z_h = np.dot(X_Test, w01)
a_h = sigmoid(z_h)
z_o = np.dot(a_h, w12)
a_o = sigmoid(z_o)
print("Expected Output:",Y_Test*10)
print("Actual Output got:",a_o*10)
这是我的问题: 1)我无法用42k样本提供整个MNIST数据集,因为我认为神经网络在小批量生产中会更好,而且我需要使用较小的数据集进行快速POC 2)我将总输入减少到500行,并且NN可以正确预测从任何输入行输入的数字 3)但是,当我将样本输入增加到接近3k时,损耗根本不会改变。我试着以学习速度或隐藏层神经元的数量进行游戏,但是没有变化
可以从以下位置下载数据: www.kaggle.com/c/digit-recognizer/data
问候 Chandan Jha
答案 0 :(得分:0)
start_pos = 0
mini_batch_size = 64 #Use suitable batch size that would fit in your memory(Typically use
#size that is a power of 2)
num_complete_batches = int(len(X) / mini_batch_size)
for epoch in range(epochs):
for curr_batch in range(num_complete_batches):
current_x = X[:, curr_batch*mini_batch_size : curr_batch*mini_batch_size + \
current_y = Y[:, curr_batch*mini_batch_size : curr_batch*mini_batch_size + \
#Forward-Backward pass
#If you have left-over examples that did not fit in complete batches, now feed those
#into the network