
时间:2018-07-15 02:23:29

标签: class inheritance dart constants

我想创建一个类来对一些static const值进行分组。

// SomeClass.dart
class SomeClass {
  static const SOME_CONST = 'some value';


// SomeClass.java
public final class SomeClass {
    private SomeClass () {}
    public static final String SOME_CONST = 'some value';


class SomeClass {
  SomeClass() {
    throw new Exception("Instantiation of consts class not permitted");

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


class Foo {
  /// Private constructor, can only be invoked inside of this file (library).


// Same file (library).
class Fizz extends Foo {
  Fizz() : super._();

// Different file (library).
class Bar extends Foo {} // Error: Foo does not have a zero-argument constructor

class Fizz extends Object with Foo {} // Error: The class Foo cannot be used as a mixin.

// Always allowed.
class Boo implements Foo {}