
时间:2018-07-13 20:15:14

标签: powershell powershell-v3.0 powershell-v4.0

我正在尝试解压缩文件夹并获取该文件夹中存在的文件数,并检查文件数= 32,否则发送一封带有当前文件名的电子邮件,并对当前文件执行infacmds,然后等待32个条件满足。

在此脚本中,我要检查文件数以及现有文件的列数,如果列数为-neq 280,则必须发送电子邮件错误。


$columnCount = ( ( Get-Content "C:\Users\xs15169\Desktop\temp\OEC2_CFLOW.txt" | Select-Object -First 1 ) -Split ',' ).Count
echo "Column count is: $columnCount"


#unzip commands will be here
#LogWrite "Starting of process"
Function LogWrite
   Param ([string]$logstring)

   Add-content $log -value "$(Get-Date) $logstring"

  try { 
   LogWrite "Start unzipping $zipfilename"
   Remove-Item $unzipfolderdelete | Where { ! $_.PSIsContainer }
    #Unzip $zipfilename $unzipfolder

    Set-Alias sz "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

    sz x $zipfilename -o"$unzipfolder" -y
    LogWrite "$zipfilename unzipped to $unzipfolder successfully"
    $filecount= (dir $unzipfolder | measure).Count
    if ($filecount -eq 32)
        #LogWrite "File Count 32

        #LogWrite "Executed informatica scripts for condition filecount equal to 32"
        #LogWrite "End of if"
    elseif ($filecount -ne 0)

        LogWrite "File Count " + $filecount
        $list = Get-ChildItem $unzipfolder
        $incompletefilenames =""
        ForEach($n in $list){

        $incompletefilenames = $incompletefilenames + $n.Name + "<br>`n"


        LogWrite $incompletefilenames
        LogWrite "Sending email for filecount not equal to 32"

            $Params = @{ 
               email setup
            Send-MailMessage @Params
            LogWrite "Successfully emailed available file names"

        #Execute Informatica scripts

        LogWrite "Executed informatica scripts for condition filecount not equal to 32"
         LogWrite "End of elseif"
         LogWrite "File Count " + $filecount
             $Params = @{ 
                email setup
            Send-MailMessage @Params
          LogWrite "End of else"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Set-Alias sz "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

$zipFile = "C:\temp\10 yard Fight.zip"

# Get Name of file without extension or path
$zipFolderToCreate = (gci $zipFile).BaseName

# Get path of zip
$path = (gci $zipFile).Directory.FullName

sz x -o"$path\*" "$zipFile"  -r

$filecount= (dir "$path\$zipFolderToCreate" | measure).Count