我在标签的attributedText上调用以下扩展名 例如:
label.attributedText = someString.htmlAttributedString()
extension String {
func htmlAttributedString() -> NSMutableAttributedString {
guard let data = self.data(using: String.Encoding.utf8, allowLossyConversion: false) else { return NSMutableAttributedString() }
guard let formattedString =
try? NSMutableAttributedString(
data: data,
options: [
.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html,
.characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue],
documentAttributes: nil)
else { return NSMutableAttributedString() }
let bulletPoint: String = "\u{2022}"
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: bulletPoint)
formattedString.enumerateAttributes(in: NSRange(0..<attributedString.length), options: []) { (attributes, range, _) -> Void in
for (attribute, _) in attributes {
formattedString.removeAttribute(attribute, range: range)
formattedString.trimCharactersInSet(charSet: NSCharacterSet.whitespacesAndNewlines as NSCharacterSet)
return formattedString
NSColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0 1 ";
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x7fb06e91edb0> font-family: \"Times New Roman\"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt";
NSKern = 0;
NSParagraphStyle = "Alignment 3, LineSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacing 12, ParagraphSpacingBefore 0, HeadIndent 0, TailIndent 0, FirstLineHeadIndent 0, LineHeight 15/0, LineHeightMultiple 0, LineBreakMode 0, Tabs (\n), DefaultTabInterval 36, Blocks (\n), Lists (\n), BaseWritingDirection 0, HyphenationFactor 0, TighteningForTruncation NO, HeaderLevel 0";
NSStrokeColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0 1 ";
NSStrokeWidth = 0;
} • {
NSColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0.933333 1 ";
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x7fb06e93e600> font-family: \"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT\"; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt";
NSParagraphStyle = "Alignment 0, LineSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacingBefore 0, HeadIndent 36, TailIndent 0, FirstLineHeadIndent 0, LineHeight 15/0, LineHeightMultiple 0, LineBreakMode 0, Tabs (\n 11L,\n 36N\n), DefaultTabInterval 36, Blocks (null), Lists (\n \"NSTextList 0x60c000442160 format <{disc}>\"\n), BaseWritingDirection 0, HyphenationFactor 0, TighteningForTruncation NO, HeaderLevel 0";
}Click to open image!{
NSColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0.933333 1 ";
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x7fb06e93e600> font-family: \"TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT\"; font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt";
NSKern = 0;
NSLink = "applewebdata://AC01F520-17C4-4F1A-BB81-0A54CBE9C2F6/images/galerie/fotoreportaj-faleza-inferioara-galati/01.jpg";
NSParagraphStyle = "Alignment 0, LineSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacingBefore 0, HeadIndent 36, TailIndent 0, FirstLineHeadIndent 0, LineHeight 15/0, LineHeightMultiple 0, LineBreakMode 0, Tabs (\n 11L,\n 36N\n), DefaultTabInterval 36, Blocks (null), Lists (\n \"NSTextList 0x60c000442160 format <{disc}>\"\n), BaseWritingDirection 0, HyphenationFactor 0, TighteningForTruncation NO, HeaderLevel 0";
NSStrokeColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0.933333 1 ";
NSStrokeWidth = 0;
NSUnderline = 1;
} Mareste imaginea {
NSColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0.933333 1 ";
NSFont = "<UICTFont: 0x7fb06e91edb0> font-family: \"Times New Roman\"; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 12.00pt";
NSKern = 0;
NSLink = "applewebdata://AC01F520-17C4-4F1A-BB81-0A54CBE9C2F6/images/galerie/fotoreportaj-faleza-inferioara-galati/01.jpg";
NSParagraphStyle = "Alignment 0, LineSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacingBefore 0, HeadIndent 36, TailIndent 0, FirstLineHeadIndent 0, LineHeight 15/0, LineHeightMultiple 0, LineBreakMode 0, Tabs (\n 11L,\n 36N\n), DefaultTabInterval 36, Blocks (null), Lists (\n \"NSTextList 0x60c000442160 format <{disc}>\"\n), BaseWritingDirection 0, HyphenationFactor 0, TighteningForTruncation NO, HeaderLevel 0";
NSStrokeColor = "kCGColorSpaceModelRGB 0 0 0.933333 1 ";
NSStrokeWidth = 0;
NSUnderline = 1;
.replacingOccurrences(of:“ Maresteimagina”,带有:“”)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
let bulletPoint: String = "\u{2022}"
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: bulletPoint)
formattedString.enumerateAttributes(in: NSRange(0..<attributedString.length), options: []) { (attributes, range, _) -> Void in
for (attribute, _) in attributes {
formattedString.removeAttribute(attribute, range: range)
let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\s\u{2022}\\s", options: [])
let matches = regex.matches(in: formattedString.string, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, formattedString.string.utf16.count))
matches.reversed().forEach { formattedString.replaceCharacters(in: $0.range, with: "")}
我不知道您是否只想删除项目符号或文本的其余部分(其他人是否尝试使用.replacingOccurrences(of: "Click to open image!", with: "")