# CACLS rights are usually
# F = FullControl
# C = Change
# R = Readonly
# W = Write
$StartingDir = "S:\STAFF FILES\Mike2"
$Principal = "Administrators"
$Permission = "F"
$Verify = Read-Host `n "You are about to change permissions on all" `
"files starting at"$StartingDir.ToUpper() `n "for security"`
"principal"$Principal.ToUpper() `
"with new right of"$Permission.ToUpper()"."`n `
"Do you want to continue? [Y,N]"
if ($Verify -eq "Y") {
foreach ($file in $(Get-ChildItem $StartingDir -recurse)) {
# display filename and old permissions
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow $file.FullName
# uncomment if you want to see old permissions
#cacls $file.FullName
# ADD new permission with CACLS
cacls $file.FullName /E /P "${Principal}:${Permission}" >$null
# display new permissions
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "New Permissions"
cacls $file.FullName