我已经阅读了有关Stack Overflow的许多其他与cx_Freeze相关的问题,到目前为止,它们是有益的,但是我仍然无法使可执行文件正常工作。
我还制作了一个平方根计算器,试图弄清楚为什么没有该人使用的任何tkinter GUI都无法使用它,但是它也不起作用。
它们在Python中都很好用,但是.exe根本不做任何事情。 我正在使用Python 3.7(32位),cx_Freeze 5.1.1(32位),Windows 10专业版(64位),
import cx_Freeze
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
import tkinter
import ThreadCalc
import sys
import os
ba = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
ba = "Win32GUI"
if sys.platform == 'win64':
ba = "Win64GUI"
os.environ['TCL_LIBRARY'] = r'C:\Python37-32\tcl\tcl8.6'
os.environ['TK_LIBRARY'] = r'C:\Python37-32\tcl\tk8.6'
build_exe_options = {"include_msvcr": True}
ex = Executable(script="ThreadCalc.py", base = ba, targetName='CreoThreadNoteGenerator.exe')
cx_Freeze.setup(name = "CreoThreadNoteGenerator",
options = {"build_exe":{"include_files": ['small_logo.gif'],"includes":["tkinter","os","math","sys"]}},
version = '0.1',
description = 'Generates A Thread Quality Control Note for Creo',
executables = [ex] )
import math
a = input('Enter a number to Evaluate')
x = math.sqrt(a)
print("The square root of {} is {}").format(a,x)
import cx_Freeze
import os
import sys
import math
from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable
ba = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
ba = "Win32GUI"
ex = Executable(script="sqrt.py", base = ba, targetName='SquareRootCalc.exe')
cx_Freeze.setup(name = "SquareRootCalc",
options = {"build_exe":{"packages":["os", "math", "sys"]}},
version = '0.1',
description = 'Square Root Calculator',
executables = [ex] )
答案 0 :(得分:0)
if sys.platform == 'win32':
ba = "Win32GUI"
(即,在SQUARE ROOT CALCULATOR示例中离开ba(se)= None)?看到以下问题:After creating python exe file with cx_freeze the file doesn't do anything
对于与GUI / Tkinter脚本有关的问题的第一部分:请查看cx_Freeze包中(Python目录)\ Lib \ site-packages \ cx_Freeze \ samples \ Tkinter下的相应示例。如果仍然无法使用,请提供一个最小的示例,以便任何人都能进一步帮助您。