
时间:2011-02-27 03:20:22

标签: java do-while


package Assignments;
import java.util.*;
public class assignment3 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(System.in);

    final double METERS_TO_CM = 100;   // The constant to convert meters to centimeters
    final double BSA_CONSTANT = 3600;  // The constant to divide by for bsa
    double bmi;                        // Body Mass Index
    double weight;                     // Weight in kilograms
    double height;                     // Height in meters
    String classification;             // Classifies the user into BMI categories 
    double bsa;                        // Body surface area

    System.out.print("Welcome to the BMI and BSA Calculator to begin enter weight in kilograms.");
    weight = stdIn.nextDouble();
    System.out.print("Enter height in meters: ");
    height = stdIn.nextDouble();
    bmi = weight/(height*height);
    bsa = Math.sqrt(((height*METERS_TO_CM)*weight)/BSA_CONSTANT);

    if (bmi < 18.5)
        classification = "Underweight";
    else if (bmi < 25)
        classification = "Normal";
    else if (bmi < 30)
        classification = "Overweight";
        classification = "Obese";
    System.out.println("Choose Options below to set height and weight");
    System.out.println("Your classification is: " + classification);
    System.out.println("(H)eight: " + height + " meters");
    System.out.println("(W)eight: " + weight + " kilograms");
    System.out.printf("BMI: %.1f\n", bmi);
    System.out.printf("BSA: %.2f\n", bsa);

    do {

        String response = stdIn.next();

        if (response.charAt(0)== 'w') 
            System.out.println("Enter new weight: ");
            weight = stdIn.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("Choose Options below to set height and weight");
            System.out.println("Your classification is: " + classification);
            System.out.println("(H)eight: " + height + " meters");
            System.out.println("(W)eight: " + weight + " kilograms");
            System.out.printf("BMI: %.1f\n", bmi);
            System.out.printf("BSA: %.2f\n", bsa);
        else if (response.charAt(0) == 'h')
            System.out.println("Enter new height: ");
            height = stdIn.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("Choose Options below to set height and weight");
            System.out.println("Your classification is: " + classification);
            System.out.println("(H)eight: " + height + " meters");
            System.out.println("(W)eight: " + weight + " kilograms");
            System.out.printf("BMI: %.1f\n", bmi);
            System.out.printf("BSA: %.2f\n", bsa);
        else if (response.charAt(0)!= 'w')
            System.out.println("That is not a valid choice try again");
            response = stdIn.next();
        else if (response.charAt(0)!= 'h')
            System.out.println("that is not a valid choise try again");
            response = stdIn.next();
    } while (stdIn.next().compareToIgnoreCase("q")!=0);

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

通过执行stdIn.next().compareToIgnoreCase("q")!=0,您要求计算机从STDIN缓冲区中提取下一个值。这意味着在您完成处理后,While循环正在等待数据从STDIN进入,然后才决定继续处理。你最好让while循环连续运行while( true ) { ... }并检查输入值(当你要求H或W时)检查它是否是q。如果是,则让程序退出。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

循环是什么? - 没关系,因为它已被纠正


答案 2 :(得分:0)

你在太多地方调用stdIn.next():在循环开始时,在循环终止测试中,以及在最后两个分支中(顺便说一句,它们都应该由一个分支替换) else { ... })。 (循环是一个do循环,顺便说一下,不是for循环。)

