使用Python(API v4)从Google表格读取单元格格式

时间:2018-07-12 09:52:57

标签: python python-3.x google-sheets-api gspread pygsheets


gspread (fork)pygsheets是我发现能够阅读图纸的两个常用软件包。我都尝试了这两种方法,它们在读取我的工作表数据时效果很好,但是从我的看到,它们都不支持读取单元格格式,仅设置它们即可。 pygsheets的GitHub页面上的open issue描述了我需要的功能。


if ("Username" in record.values()) and (matching_cells.background != red):
        # Do something


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

使用google-api-python-client获得授权的sheets API客户端,您可以使用service.spreadsheets().get方法请求电子表格数据:

def get_sheet_colors(service, wbId: str, ranges: list):
    params = {'spreadsheetId': wbId,
              'ranges': ranges,
              'fields': 'sheets(data(rowData(values(effectiveFormat/backgroundColor,formattedValue)),startColumn,startRow),properties(sheetId,title))'}
    return service.spreadsheets().get(**params).execute()

desiredA1NotationRanges = ['\'Some Arbitrary Sheet 1\'!A1:K', '\'Some Other Arbitary Sheet\'!B2:D4']
all_data = get_sheet_colors(get_authed_service_somehow(), mySpreadsheetId, desiredA1NotationRanges))
# all_data is a dict with keys determined by the fields in the request
# (i.e. "sheets") and the output of the API method used (aka consult your API reference)

下面的代码使用上面的API响应,并创建两个数组,一个数组具有背景色,一个数组具有单元格值,并通过为行和列添加前缀来确保行和列索引可移植,以确保数据从单元格A1开始,即使您请求的范围是“ C3:J5”。提供此示例作为将REST资源转换为更熟悉的类型的示例,但从一般意义上讲,并不是有用的。

dataset = []
default_bg = {'red': 1, 'green': 1, 'blue': 1}
# all_data['sheets'] is a list of sheet resources (per the API spec.)
for sheet in all_data['sheets']:
    # The sheet resource is a dict with keys determined by what we requested in fields
    # (i.e. properties (->sheetId, ->title), data)
    print('Sheet name is {title} with grid id {sheetId}'.format_map(sheet["properties"]))
    # each range in data will only contain startRow and/or startColumn if they are not 0
    # (i.e. if you grab A1:___, you won't have startRow or startColumn)
    for range in sheet['data']:
        rowData = range.get('rowData', [])
        if not rowData:
        offsets = {'row': range.get('startRow', 0),
                   'col': range.get('startColumn', 0)}
        rangeBGs = [default_bg] * offsets['row']
        rangeValues = [''] * offsets['row']
        for row in rowData:
            colData = row['values']
            newBGs = [default_bg] * offsets['col']
            newVals = [''] * offsets['col']
            for col in colData:
                except KeyError:
                    newBGs.append(default_bg) # Shouldn't get called (all cells have a background)
                    newVals.append(col['formattedValue']) # Always a string if present.
                except KeyError:
                    newVals.append('') # Not all cells have a value.
        dataset.append({'sheetId': sheet['properties']['sheetId'],
                        'sheetName': sheet['properties']['title'],
                        'backgrounds': rangeBGs,
                        'values': rangeValues})
# dataset is now a list with elements that correspond to the requested ranges,
# and contain 0-base row and column indexed arrays of the backgrounds and values.
# One could add logic to pop elements from the ranges if the entire row has no values.
# Color in A1 of 1st range:
r1 = dataset[0]
print(f'Cell A1 color is {r1["backgrounds"][0][0]} and has value {r1["values"][0][0]}')
print(f'Cell D2 color is {r1["backgrounds"][3][1]} and has value {r1["values"][3][1]}')
