SQL Server-找不到数据源名称,也未指定默认驱动程序

时间:2018-07-11 17:54:04

标签: c++ sql-server

我正在尝试使用C ++连接SQL Server,但是即使添加了DSN,也会出现错误“找不到数据源名称且未指定默认驱动程序”。我有一台Win 10 64位计算机,并且在系统DSN下为32位和64位添加了具有相同名称的DSN。也请帮助我获取正确的连接字符串。


#include <stdafx.h>
#include <windows.h>  
#include <sqlext.h>  
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>

using namespace std;

void show_error(unsigned int handletype, const SQLHANDLE& handle)
    SQLWCHAR sqlstate[1024];
    SQLWCHAR message[1024];

    if (SQL_SUCCESS == SQLGetDiagRec(handletype, handle, 1, sqlstate, NULL, message, 1024, NULL))
        std::wstring wMsg(message);
        std::wstring wState(sqlstate);

        //setup converter
        using convert_type = std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
        std::wstring_convert<convert_type, wchar_t> converter;

        //use converter (.to_bytes: wstr->str, .from_bytes: str->wstr)
        std::string converted_msg = converter.to_bytes(wMsg);
        std::string converted_state = converter.to_bytes(wState);

        std::cout << "Message: " << converted_msg/*message*/ << "\nSQLSTATE: " << converted_state/*sqlstate*/ << std::endl;

int main() {
    SQLHENV henv;
    SQLHDBC hdbc;
    SQLHSTMT hstmt;
    SQLRETURN retcode;

    SQLWCHAR OutConnStr[255];
    SQLSMALLINT OutConnStrLen;

    HWND desktopHandle = GetDesktopWindow();   // desktop's window handle  

                                               // Allocate environment handle  
    retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);

    // Set the ODBC version environment attribute  
    if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
        retcode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (SQLPOINTER*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);

        // Allocate connection handle  
        if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
            retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);

            // Set login timeout to 5 seconds  
            if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
                SQLSetConnectAttr(hdbc, SQL_LOGIN_TIMEOUT, (SQLPOINTER)50, 0);

                SQLWCHAR retconstring[1024];
                retcode = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL,
                                SQL_NTS, retconstring, 1024, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT);

                // Allocate statement handle  
                if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
                    retcode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);

                    // Process data  
                    if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
                        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);

                    show_error(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);

                SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

由于您在连接字符串中指定了驱动程序而不是DSN,因此根本不需要创建DSN。只需指定一个有效的ODBC驱动程序,如建议的@ user144098。

但是,SQL Server ODBC驱动程序是Windows附带的旧版驱动程序,仅用于与旧版应用程序向后兼容。使用现代驱动程序进行新开发,以便可以使用更新的功能和TLS 1.2协议安全性。撰写本文时,最新的SQL Server ODBC驱动程序为ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server


"DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=hostname\\SQLEXPRESS;Database=master;Trusted_Connection=True;"