魅力报告2.6.0:无法删除目录:第二次测试运行后,C:\ TeamCity \ buildAgent \ work \ xxx \ ui-selenide \ build \ allure-results

时间:2018-07-11 11:03:48

标签: teamcity allure


资源监视器中存在带有“ C:\ TeamCity \ buildAgent \ work \ 6e1072cc098a9044 \ ui-selenide \ build \ allure-results”句柄名称的java.exe进程。



[13:49:13]Step 3/4: Launch Test Suite (Command Line) (1s)
    [13:49:13][Step 3/4] Starting: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\agentTmp\custom_script1941821006218141349.cmd
    [13:49:13][Step 3/4] in directory: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\6e1072cc098a9044\ui-selenide
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] :clean FAILED
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] 1 actionable task: 1 executed
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] 
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] 
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] * What went wrong:
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] Execution failed for task ':clean'.
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] > Unable to delete directory: C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\6e1072cc098a9044\ui-selenide\build\allure-results
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] 
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] * Try:
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] 
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] BUILD FAILED in 1s
    [13:49:15][Step 3/4] Process exited with code 1

魅力报告2.6.0 Teamcity 2017.2.4 Windows 7的 硒化物4.10.01


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