with servicos as (
select cast(tec_servico as text) || '-' || ser_nome as servico,
ser_metodo as metodo,
coalesce(tec_vl_maximo, 0) as maximo,
teh_tipo as origem,
case when teh_dia_semana = 4410 then 0
when teh_dia_semana = 4404 then 1
when teh_dia_semana = 4405 then 2
when teh_dia_semana = 4406 then 3
when teh_dia_semana = 4407 then 4
when teh_dia_semana = 4408 then 5
when teh_dia_semana = 4409 then 6 end as dia,
teh_hora_inicial_am as hora_inicial_am,
teh_hora_final_am as hora_final_am,
teh_hora_inicial_pm as hora_inicial_pm,
teh_hora_final_pm as hora_final_pm
from tb_gcc_ted_configuracao
join tb_gfc_servico on (tec_servico = ser_cod_serial)
join tb_gcc_ted_horario on (teh_servico = tec_servico)
join tb_gen_registro on (reg_id_registro = teh_tipo)
where reg_cod_registro = :origem
and (tec_vl_maximo is null
or tec_vl_maximo > :valorLancamento)
select metodo
from servicos
where dia = extract(dow from current_date)
and (current_time between hora_inicial_am and hora_final_am
or current_time between hora_inicial_pm and hora_final_pm)
order by metodo
limit 1