我在icintga2监视系统中使用具有Top-Down模式的Director设置了一个具有2个客户端端点的主机。 我还设置了两个客户端节点,它们都接受配置和接受命令。 (希望这表示我正在运行Top Down Command Endpoint模式)
3个主机的服务检查(磁盘/内存/负载)返回正确的结果。但是我的问题是: 根据{{3}}的示例, 主机icinga2-client1使用“ hostalive ”作为主机check_command。 例如。
object Host "icinga2-client1.localdomain" {
check_command = "hostalive" //check is executed on the master
address = ""
vars.client_endpoint = name //follows the convention that host name == endpoint name
但是我有一个问题是 如果client1 icinga进程未运行, 主机状态保持为 GREEN ,所有服务状态(磁盘/内存/负载)也均保持为 GREEN 因为主服务器没有收到任何服务检查更新,并且hostalive check命令能够对节点执行ping操作。
在Top Down Command Endpoint example部分下, 它提到使用“ 集群区域”检查命令。 我期望在使用“ 集群区域”时, 主机状态为 RED 当客户端节点icinga进程停止时, 但不知何故。
object Zone "icinga-master" {
endpoints = [ "icinga-master" ]
object Host "icinga-master" {
import "Master-Template"
display_name = "icinga-master []"
address = ""
groups = [ "Servers" ]
object Endpoint "icinga-master" {
host = ""
port = "5665"
object Zone "rick-tftp" {
parent = "icinga-master"
endpoints = [ "rick-tftp" ]
object Endpoint "rick-tftp" {
host = ""
object Host "rick-tftp" {
import "Host-Template"
display_name = "rick-tftp []"
address = ""
groups = [ "Servers" ]
vars.cluster_zone = "icinga-master"
object Zone "tftp-server" {
parent = "icinga-master"
endpoints = [ "tftp-server" ]
object Endpoint "tftp-server" {
host = ""
object Host "tftp-server" {
import "Host-Template"
display_name = "tftp-server []"
address = ""
groups = [ "Servers" ]
vars.cluster_zone = "icinga-master"
template Host "Host-Template" {
import "pnp4nagios-host"
check_command = "cluster-zone"
max_check_attempts = "5"
check_interval = 1m
retry_interval = 30s
enable_notifications = true
enable_active_checks = true
enable_passive_checks = true
enable_event_handler = true
enable_perfdata = true