$scope.userAttributes = [{
id: 112,
order: "first"
}, {
id: 232,
order: "second"
}, {
id: 353,
order: "third"
}, {
id: 485,
order: "fourth"
<select ng-model= "users.number " class="form-control" ng-options="t.order for t in userAttributes">
<option ng-selected="{{t.id== users.number}}">{{t.order}}</option>
$scope.users = [{
number: 112,
age: "eigth",
name: "alice"
}, {
number: 232,
age: "ten",
name: "jack"
}, {
number: 353,
age: "twelve",
name: "kevin"
我将获得一个表格,该表格将使用下拉列表更改用户顺序,但我希望看到可以根据用户数量预先选择order属性。 例如,当我选择“凯文”时,在下拉列表中应选择“第三”(就像我用ng-selected一样),当我将“第三”更改为“第一”时,应改变开文数如232。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
pipeline = Pipeline([
# Extract the subject & body
('subjectbody', SubjectBodyExtractor()),
# Use FeatureUnion to combine the features from subject and body
('union', FeatureUnion(
# Pipeline for pulling features from the post's subject line
('subject', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='subject')),
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer(min_df=50)),
# Pipeline for standard bag-of-words model for body
('body_bow', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('tfidf', TfidfVectorizer()),
('best', TruncatedSVD(n_components=50)),
# Pipeline for pulling ad hoc features from post's body
('body_stats', Pipeline([
('selector', ItemSelector(key='body')),
('stats', TextStats()), # returns a list of dicts
('vect', DictVectorizer()), # list of dicts -> feature matrix
# weight components in FeatureUnion
'subject': 0.8,
'body_bow': 0.5,
'body_stats': 1.0,
X_transformed = pipeline.fit_transform(X)
angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
$scope.userAttributes = [
{ id: 112, order: "first" },
{ id: 232, order: "second" },
{ id: 353, order: "third" },
{ id: 485, order: "fourth" }
$scope.orderChanged = () => $scope.user.number = $scope.order.id;
$scope.users = [
{ number: 112, age: "eigth", name: "alice" },
{ number: 232, age: "ten", name: "jack" },
{ number: 353, age: "twelve", name: "kevin" }
$scope.user = $scope.users[0];
$scope.userChanged = () =>
$scope.order = $scope.userAttributes.find(x => x.id == $scope.user.number);