到目前为止,在用户按下“ Dancy file”按钮之后,我已经有了这段代码来使用Bot in Telegram发送消息和曲目。当然,要花些时间才能将曲目上载到用户。我有一段代码,将Bot的状态更改为“发送音频”。
这是这个:bot.on('message', (msg) => {
var dancy_file = "dancy file";
if (msg.text.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(dancy_file) === 0) {
bot.sendChatAction(, 'upload_audio');
name = (dancy_files[rand_dancy_files()]);
// root
var path = __dirname + "/dancy_files/" + name;
// track size
sent_file_size = getFilesizeInMB(path);
// all tracks size
total_size += sent_file_size;
console.log("MB's sent: ", total_size);
// send track with new keyboard
bot.sendAudio(, "/root/dancy_files/" + name);
bot.sendMessage(, "Your dancy song is uploading, please be patient: ", {
"reply_markup": {
"keyboard": [["More dancy tracks"], ["Back to choose file style"]],
"resize_keyboard": true
// console logs
var date = new Date();
// console.log(msg.from.first_name, msg.from.last_name + " wants dancy at", date.getHours(), ":", date.getMinutes());
var name = msg.from.first_name + msg.from.last_name + "wants dancy at";
var str = name + date.getHours() + ":" + date.getMinutes() + '\n';
fs.appendFile("/root/log.txt", str, function (err) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
console.log("The file was saved!");
我该怎么做,仅在上传曲目时才保持此状态。目前,它只执行一次,并在按下按钮后一直显示。 关键思想是跟踪Bot上传跟踪所花费的时间。