引发异常:读取访问冲突[C ++]

时间:2018-07-09 06:21:56

标签: c++



class Spell
    string name;
    unsigned int cost;
    unsigned int dmg;

class Wizard
    string name;
    unsigned int hp;
    unsigned int mp;
    Spell* spell;

void assignWizardValues(Wizard* wizard, Spell* spell)
    wizard->hp = rand() % 25 + 76;
    wizard->mp = rand() % 25 + 76;
    spell->name = "Fireball";
    spell->cost = rand() % 10 + 6;
    spell->dmg = rand() % 10 + 6;


int main()
    Wizard* wiz1 = new Wizard();
    Wizard* wiz2 = new Wizard();
    Spell* fireball1 = new Spell();
    Spell* fireball2 = new Spell();

    //Assign Property Values

    cout << "Who is the first wizard?  ";
    cin >> wiz1->name;
    assignWizardValues(wiz1, fireball1);

    cout << "Who is the second Wizard?  ";
    cin >> wiz2->name;
    assignWizardValues(wiz2, fireball2);

    //Battle START!!

    while (canGoOn(wiz1) == true && canGoOn(wiz2) == true)
        castSpell(wiz1, wiz2);
        castSpell(wiz2, wiz1);

    return 0;


Exception thrown: read access violation.
std::_String_alloc<std::_String_base_types<char,std::allocator<char> > 
>::_Get_data(...) returned nullptr.

这是我目前遇到的问题。 作为参考,这是我在该循环中可以使用的其他两个函数:

void castSpell(Wizard* caster, Wizard* enemy)
    cout << caster->spell->name << endl;
    caster->mp -= caster->spell->cost;
    enemy->hp -= caster->spell->dmg;
    cout << caster->hp << endl << caster->mp << endl << endl;
    cout << enemy->hp << endl << enemy->mp << endl << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;

bool canGoOn(Wizard* wizard)
    if (wizard->hp > 0 && wizard->mp > 0)
        return true;
        return false;

任何帮助将不胜感激,再次,我对代码转储感到抱歉,对不起代码不好,对不起,这篇文章太长了。我在绳子的尽头Tbh T ^ T

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Wizard(std::string name)
    : name(std::move(name)), // std::move: avoids unnecessary copying of data...
      hp(rand() % 25 + 76),
      mp(rand() % 25 + 76),
      spell(new Spell("Fireball"))
      // assuming Spell has a constructor similar to this one
{ }


    std::string name, unsigned int hp, unsigned int mp,
    std::string spellName, unsigned int spellCost, unsigned int spellDamage
    : name(std::move(name)),
      hp(hp), mp(mp),
      spell(new Spell(std::move(spellName), spellCost, spellDamage))
      // same assumption...
{ }


好的,现在还有很多要说的:内存泄漏(您不删除使用new创建的对象),智能指针(让删除自动完成),移动语义(关于{{1} }?–目前,您可能只是省略了...),封装(您的成员是公共的,应该是私有的),成员函数(以便您可以访问私有成员),是否内联以及隐藏实现细节(将代码拆分为标题和源代码),...




while (canGoOn(wiz1) == true && canGoOn(wiz2) == false) // bad style
//                                               ^^^^^
// changed just for demonstration purposes!

while (canGoOn(wiz1) && !canGoOn(wiz2))  // the way to go.
//                      ^ to check if condition is NOT met...
//                        again for demonstration only, not in your REAL code!

答案 1 :(得分:0)



std::random_device rd;  //Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()

int ThrowDie(int dieSize)
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(1, dieSize);
    return dis(gen);

#include <string>
#include <utility>
class Spell {
    const int cost_base;
    const int cost_die;
    const int damage_base;
    const int damage_die;
    const std::string name;

    Spell(const std::string& name, int cost_base, int cost_die,
        int damage_base, int damage_die)
        : name(name), cost_base(cost_base), cost_die(cost_die)
        , damage_base(damage_base), damage_die(damage_die) {}
    virtual ~Spell() = default;
    // returns <cost, damage>
    std::pair<int, int> Cast();

std::pair<int, int> Spell::Cast()
    return std::make_pair(
        cost_base + ThrowDie(cost_die),
        damage_base + ThrowDie(damage_die)

class Fireball : public Spell {
    Fireball() : Spell("FireBall", 6, 10, 6, 10) {}
    using Spell::Cast;

class Wizard
    Wizard(const std::string& name);
    void cast(Spell spell, Wizard& opponent);
    bool IsAlive();
    const std::string name;
    int healthPoints;
    int manaPoints;

Wizard::Wizard(const std::string& name)
    : name(name)
    healthPoints = 76 + ThrowDie(25);
    manaPoints = 76 + ThrowDie(25);

#include <iostream>
void Wizard::cast(Spell spell, Wizard& opponent)
    auto reqEff = spell.Cast();
    if (reqEff.first > manaPoints)
        std::cout << name << " does not have enough mana points to cast " << spell.name << "\n";
        manaPoints -= reqEff.first;
        opponent.healthPoints -= reqEff.second;
        std::cout << name << " casts " << spell.name << ", which does "
            << reqEff.second << " damage to " << opponent.name <<"\n";

bool Wizard::IsAlive()
    if (healthPoints > 0)
        //std::cout << name << " is still alive!\n"; \\ a lot of text...
        return true;
    std::cout << name << " is dead!" << std::endl;
    return false;

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::string name;
    std::cout << "Name the first wizard: ";
    std::cin >> name;
    Wizard wiz1(name);
    std::cout << "Name the second wizard: ";
    std::cin >> name;
    Wizard wiz2(name);

    // Battle start
    while (wiz1.IsAlive() && wiz2.IsAlive()) {
        wiz1.cast(Fireball(), wiz2);
        wiz2.cast(Fireball(), wiz1);



Name the first wizard: HarryPotter
Name the second wizard: Voldemort
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 13 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 11 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 12 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 12 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 7 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 16 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 8 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 10 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 8 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 14 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 16 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 16 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 16 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 11 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter casts FireBall, which does 14 damage to Voldemort
Voldemort casts FireBall, which does 10 damage to HarryPotter
HarryPotter is dead!