如何通过日期获得WIQL tfs的任务ID,功能ID和完整小时数?

时间:2018-07-09 06:09:45

标签: c# tfs tfs-workitem wiql

说有一个 在sprint上创建的任务123,其开始日期为7月1日,结束于7月10日。

2018年1月7日,任务123工时为5,已完成工时为0。 并在7月5日完成3个小时2个小时

所以我如何找到7月1日至7月5日的任务ID,功能ID(由Tree WIQL)。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


如果是,则可以使用REST API进行检索:请参见Get a list of work items revisions

GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/_apis/wit/workitems/{id}/revisions?api-version={version}[&$top={int}&$skip={int}&$expand={enum{relations}


   [string]$collectionurl = "",
   [string]$witid = "12",
   [string]$user = "username",
   [string]$token = "password"

# Base64-encodes the Personal Access Token (PAT) appropriately
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$token)))

$baseUrl = "$collectionurl/_apis/wit/workitems/$witid/revisions?"+"$"+"expand=all"          
$response = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $baseUrl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}).value

# Filter the revisions changed between the date '2018-07-01'and '2018-07-05' and remaining work >=O
$revisions = $response | where({$_.fields.'System.ChangedDate' -ge '2018-07-01' -and $_.fields.'System.ChangedDate' -le '2018-07-06' -and $_.fields.'Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork' -ge '0' } )

$witrevisions = @()

foreach($revision in $revisions){

    $customObject = new-object PSObject -property @{
          "WorkItemType" = $revision.fields.'System.WorkItemType'         
          "WorkItemID" = $revision.fields.'System.Id'
          "Revid" = $revision.rev
          "RemainingWork" = $revision.fields.'Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork'
          "Relations" = $revision.relations.url
          "ChangeddDate" = $revision.fields.'System.ChangedDate'

    $witrevisions += $customObject      

$witrevisions | Select-Object `
                ChangeddDate #| export-csv -Path E:\filename.csv -NoTypeInformation

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我已经创建了测试解决方案。它基于REST API。它需要nugate软件包:

安装后必须更新它们,因为我遇到了错误:Inheritance security rules violated by type


using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi;
using Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.WebApi.Models;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Common;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Client;

namespace GetFTTaskCompleteForDates
    class Program
        public class FTTaskComleted
            public int FTID = 0;
            public int TaskID = 0;
            public int CompletedOnDate = 0;
            public int CompletedFieldValue = 0;
            public DateTime ReportDT;

        static public class WIQLS
            static public string ChangedTasksFromDate = "SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject] = '{0}'  AND  [System.WorkItemType] = 'Task'  AND  [System.ChangedDate] >= '{1}-{2}-{3}T00:00:00.0000000' ORDER BY [System.Id]";
            static public string GetTopParentFeature = "SELECT [System.Id] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ([Source].[System.TeamProject] = '{0}'  AND  [Source].[System.WorkItemType] = 'Feature') And ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ([Target].[System.Id] = {1}) ORDER BY [System.Id] mode(Recursive,ReturnMatchingChildren)";

        static string ServiceUrl = "http://tfs-srv:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection";
        static string TeamProject = "VSTSAgile";
        static WorkItemTrackingHttpClient WiClient = null; 
        static VssConnection ServiceConnection = null;
        static string CompletedWorkFieldRef = "Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork";
        static string ChangedDateFieldRef = "System.ChangedDate";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime _startDate = new DateTime(2018, 06, 19);
            DateTime _finishDate = DateTime.Today;  // set to DateTime.MinValue if only one date
            //DateTime _finishDate = DateTime.MinValue;

            List<FTTaskComleted> _lstReport = new List<FTTaskComleted>();

            if (!ConnectToService()) return;

            Dictionary<int, int> _dctTasksFeatures = GetTaskAndFeatures(_startDate);

            if (_dctTasksFeatures.Keys.Count > 0) FillReportList(_dctTasksFeatures, _lstReport, _startDate, _finishDate);

            foreach (FTTaskComleted _item in _lstReport)
                Console.WriteLine("DATE:{0} -- FT:{1} -- TSK:{2} -- HRS -- {3}", _item.ReportDT.ToShortDateString(), _item.FTID, _item.TaskID, _item.CompletedOnDate);

        //Fill list with hours for each date and task
        private static void FillReportList(Dictionary<int, int> pDctTasksFT, List<FTTaskComleted> pLstReport, DateTime pStartDate, DateTime pFinishtDate)

            foreach (int _taskId in pDctTasksFT.Keys)
                List<WorkItem> _revs = WiClient.GetRevisionsAsync(_taskId).Result;

                DateTime _lastDate = DateTime.MinValue; //last processed date for revisions of work item
                int _lastHours = int.MinValue; //last processed value of compteted work for revisions of work item

                foreach (WorkItem _rev in _revs)
                    if (!_rev.Fields.Keys.Contains(CompletedWorkFieldRef) || !_rev.Fields.Keys.Contains(ChangedDateFieldRef)) continue;
                    DateTime _changedDate;
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(_rev.Fields[ChangedDateFieldRef].ToString(), out _changedDate)) continue;

                    bool _inscope = false;

                    // calculate hours based on previous revision
                    int _completedValue, _completedDiff;
                    if (!int.TryParse(_rev.Fields[CompletedWorkFieldRef].ToString(), out _completedValue)) continue;

                    if (_lastHours == int.MinValue) _completedDiff = _completedValue;
                    else _completedDiff = _completedValue - _lastHours;

                    _lastHours = _completedValue;

                    // check for date of revision between needed dates
                    if (pFinishtDate == DateTime.MinValue) { if (_changedDate.Date == pStartDate.Date) _inscope = true; }
                    else if (_changedDate.Date >= pStartDate.Date && _changedDate.Date <= pFinishtDate.Date) _inscope = true;

                    if (_inscope && _completedDiff != 0)
                        if (_lastDate.Date == _changedDate.Date && pLstReport.Count > 0)
                            //update existing item if several changes in one day
                            pLstReport[pLstReport.Count - 1].CompletedOnDate += _completedDiff;
                            pLstReport[pLstReport.Count - 1].CompletedFieldValue = _completedValue;
                        else // add new report item
                                new FTTaskComleted
                                    FTID = pDctTasksFT[_taskId],
                                    TaskID = _taskId, ReportDT = _changedDate,
                                    CompletedOnDate = _completedDiff,
                                    CompletedFieldValue = _completedValue }

                        _lastDate = _changedDate;


        static Dictionary<int, int> GetTaskAndFeatures(DateTime pStartDate)
            Dictionary<int, int> _taskft = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            List<int> _ids = GetTasksIdsForPeriod(pStartDate);

            if (_ids.Count > 0)
                foreach(int _wiId in _ids)
                    if (!AddFeaturesToTask(_wiId, _taskft)) break;

            return _taskft;

        //add top level parent to task id and exclude tasks without parent features
        static bool AddFeaturesToTask(int pId, Dictionary<int, int> pWiDict)
                Wiql _wiql = new Wiql();
                _wiql.Query = String.Format(WIQLS.GetTopParentFeature, TeamProject, pId);

                WorkItemQueryResult _res = WiClient.QueryByWiqlAsync(_wiql).Result;

                if (_res.WorkItemRelations.Count() > 1)
                    pWiDict.Add(pId, _res.WorkItemRelations.ElementAt(0).Target.Id); //first is a top parent
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Query problem:");
                return false;

            return true;

        //Connect to tfs/vsts
        static public bool ConnectToService()
                VssCredentials creds = new VssClientCredentials();
                creds.Storage = new VssClientCredentialStorage();

                ServiceConnection = new VssConnection(new Uri(ServiceUrl), creds);
                WiClient = ServiceConnection.GetClient<WorkItemTrackingHttpClient>();
            catch(Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Connection problem:");
                return false;

            return true;

        //find all tasks changed after start date. beacouse we can not select revisions between dates.
        static public List<int> GetTasksIdsForPeriod(DateTime pStart)
            List<int> _ids = new List<int>();

                Wiql _wiql = new Wiql();
                _wiql.Query = String.Format(WIQLS.ChangedTasksFromDate, TeamProject, pStart.Year, pStart.Month, pStart.Day);

                WorkItemQueryResult _res = WiClient.QueryByWiqlAsync(_wiql).Result;

                if (_res.WorkItems.Count() > 0)
                    foreach (WorkItemReference _wi in _res.WorkItems) _ids.Add(_wi.Id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Query problem:");

            return _ids;