
时间:2018-07-07 22:08:09

标签: r lm

我的SQL Server 2017数据库中有一个表,部分包含以下数据: enter image description here


最终结果应该是每个RespID的C1至C19列的最高回归值。最终结果应如下所示: enter image description here


ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRegressionPeak]   
@StudyID int
Declare @sStudyID VARCHAR(50)
Set @sStudyID = CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),@StudyID)

--We use IsNull values to pass zeroes where an average wasn't calculated os 
that the polynomial regression can be calculated.
c.StudyID, c.RespID, c.LikingOrder, avg(C1) as C1, avg(C2) as C2, avg(C3) as 
C3, avg(C4) as C4, avg(C5) as C5, avg(C6) as C6, avg(C7) as C7, avg(C8) as 
C8, avg(C9) as C9, avg(C10) as C10,
avg(C11) as C11, avg(C12) as C12, avg(C13) as C13, avg(C14) as C14, avg(C15) 
as C15, avg(C16) as C16, avg(C17) as C17, avg(isnull(C18,0)) as C18, avg(C19) 
as C19
from ClosedStudyResponses c
where c.StudyID = @StudyID
group by StudyID, RespID, LikingOrder
order by RespID 

--We are setting @inquery aka InputDataSet to be our initial dataset.  
--R Services requires that a data.frame be passed to any calculations being 
generated.  As such, df is simply data framing the @inquery data.
--The res object holds the polynomial regression results by RespondentID and 
LikingOrder for each of the averages in the @inquery resultset.
EXEC sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R'
, @script = N'
    studymeans <- InputDataSet

    df <- data.frame(studymeans) 

    res1 <- lm(df$LikingOrder ~ polym(df$c1, df$c2, df$c3, df$c4, df$c5, df$c6, df$c7, df$c8, df$c9, 
    df$c10, df$c11, df$c12, df$c13, df$c14, df$c15, df$c16, df$c17, df$c18, df$c19, degree = 1, raw = TRUE)) 
    res <- data.frame(res1)

, @input_data_1 = @inquery
, @output_data_1_name = N'res'
, @params = N'@StudyID int'
,@StudyID = @StudyID 
--- Edit this line to handle the output data frame.
WITH RESULT SETS ((RespID int, res varchar(max)));


Error in model.frame.default(formula = df$LikingOrder ~ polym(df$c1, df$c2,  
variable lengths differ (found for 'polym(df$c1, df$c2, df$c3, df$c4, df$c5, 
df$c6, df$c7, df$c8, df$c9, df$c10, df$c11, df$c12, df$c13, df$c14, df$c15, 
df$c16, df$c17, df$c18, df$c19, degree = 1, raw = TRUE)')
Calls: source ... lm -> eval -> eval -> <Anonymous> -> model.frame.default
In addition: There were 19 warnings (use warnings() to see them)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • RespID:是categorical parameter,未用于模型拟合
  • StudyID:在示例数据中被忽略
  • LinkingOrder:是因变量,即response(非分类)
  • C1 to C19independent variables是数字

  • Objective:确定linear fit对变量C1C19

  • 的回归系数
  • Note:未添加polynomial fit,因为所讨论的最终请求表似乎未列出迭代项。
  • ResourceISLR中的第3、5章


StudyID <- rep(10001, 100)
RespID <- c(rep(117,25), rep(119,25), rep(120,25), rep(121,25))
LinkingOrder <- floor(runif(100, 1, 9))
df <- data.frame(StudyID, RespID, LinkingOrder)
# Create columns C1 to C19
for (i in c(1:19)){
  vari <- paste("C", i, sep = "")
  df[vari] <-  floor(runif(100, 0, 9))

# Convert RespID to categorical variable
df$RespID <- as.factor(RespID)

enter image description here



# Fit lm() and store coefficients in a table
final_table <- data.frame()
for (respid in unique(df$RespID)){
  data <- df[df['RespID']==respid, ]
  data <- subset(data, select = -c(StudyID, RespID))

  lm.fit <- lm(LinkingOrder ~ ., data=data)

  # Save to table
  final_table <- rbind(final_table, data.frame(t(unlist(lm.fit$coefficients))))

enter image description here