我成功地找到了重新定义并将ID添加到不带ID的img中的目的,目的是通过以下操作放大悬停,但是在调用计时器后,此代码行返回了未定义的内容。就是这个问题,计时器运行后此代码行返回undefined,因此缩放不再起作用。我想知道下面的内容如何在img src更改的情况下重新评估并在计时器上工作。第一次会正常运行,然后刷新就不会。
function imageZoom(imgID, resultID) {
var img, lens, result, cx, cy;
img = document.getElementById(imgID);
var picturea = document.getElementsByClassName("ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image");
// alert(picturea);
result = document.getElementById(resultID);
/*create lens:*/
lens = document.createElement("DIV");
lens.setAttribute("class", "img-zoom-lens");
/*insert lens:*/
img.parentElement.insertBefore(lens, img);
/*calculate the ratio between result DIV and lens:*/
cx = result.offsetWidth / lens.offsetWidth;
cy = result.offsetHeight / lens.offsetHeight;
/*set background properties for the result DIV*/
result.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img.src + "')";
result.style.backgroundSize = (img.width * cx) + "px " + (img.height * cy) + "px";
/*execute a function when someone moves the cursor over the image, or the lens:*/
lens.addEventListener("mousemove", moveLens);
img.addEventListener("mousemove", moveLens);
/*and also for touch screens:*/
lens.addEventListener("touchmove", moveLens);
img.addEventListener("touchmove", moveLens);
function moveLens(e) {
var pos, x, y;
/*prevent any other actions that may occur when moving over the image*/
/*get the cursor's x and y positions:*/
pos = getCursorPos(e);
/*calculate the position of the lens:*/
x = pos.x - (lens.offsetWidth / 2);
y = pos.y - (lens.offsetHeight / 2);
/*prevent the lens from being positioned outside the image:*/
if (x > img.width - lens.offsetWidth) {x = img.width - lens.offsetWidth;}
if (x < 0) {x = 0;}
if (y > img.height - lens.offsetHeight) {y = img.height - lens.offsetHeight;}
if (y < 0) {y = 0;}
/*set the position of the lens:*/
lens.style.left = x + "px";
lens.style.top = y + "px";
/*display what the lens "sees":*/
result.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (x * cx) + "px -" + (y * cy) + "px";
function getCursorPos(e) {
var a, x = 0, y = 0;
e = e || window.event;
/*get the x and y positions of the image:*/
a = img.getBoundingClientRect();
/*calculate the cursor's x and y coordinates, relative to the image:*/
x = e.pageX - a.left;
y = e.pageY - a.top;
/*consider any page scrolling:*/
x = x - window.pageXOffset;
y = y - window.pageYOffset;
return {x : x, y : y};
imageZoom("xximage", "myresult");
var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 15000);
var set=0;
function myTimer() {
答案 0 :(得分:0)
img = document.getElementById(imgID);
var picturea = document.getElementsByClassName("ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image");
img = document.getElementsByClassName(imgID)[0];
// alert(img);
<img class="ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image" data-load="false" data-src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg" data-image-dimensions="750x1124" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-position-mode="standard" data-parent-ratio="0.7" alt="White" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg?format=500w" style="font-size: 0px; left: -0.312278px; top: 0px; width: 327.625px; height: 491px; position: relative;" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1530976058504_955" data-image-resolution="500w">
var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 1500);
var set=0;
function myTimer() {
imageZoom("ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image", "myresult");
function imageZoom(imgID, resultID) {
var img, lens, result, cx, cy;
img = document.getElementsByClassName(imgID)[0];
result = document.getElementById(resultID);
/*create lens:*/
lens = document.createElement("DIV");
lens.setAttribute("class", "img-zoom-lens");
/*insert lens:*/
img.parentElement.insertBefore(lens, img);
/*calculate the ratio between result DIV and lens:*/
cx = result.offsetWidth / lens.offsetWidth;
cy = result.offsetHeight / lens.offsetHeight;
/*set background properties for the result DIV*/
result.style.backgroundImage = "url('" + img.src + "')";
result.style.backgroundSize = (img.width * cx) + "px " + (img.height * cy) + "px";
/*execute a function when someone moves the cursor over the image, or the lens:*/
lens.addEventListener("mousemove", moveLens);
img.addEventListener("mousemove", moveLens);
/*and also for touch screens:*/
lens.addEventListener("touchmove", moveLens);
img.addEventListener("touchmove", moveLens);
function moveLens(e) {
var pos, x, y;
/*prevent any other actions that may occur when moving over the image*/
/*get the cursor's x and y positions:*/
pos = getCursorPos(e);
/*calculate the position of the lens:*/
x = pos.x - (lens.offsetWidth / 2);
y = pos.y - (lens.offsetHeight / 2);
/*prevent the lens from being positioned outside the image:*/
if (x > img.width - lens.offsetWidth) {x = img.width - lens.offsetWidth;}
if (x < 0) {x = 0;}
if (y > img.height - lens.offsetHeight) {y = img.height - lens.offsetHeight;}
if (y < 0) {y = 0;}
/*set the position of the lens:*/
lens.style.left = x + "px";
lens.style.top = y + "px";
/*display what the lens "sees":*/
result.style.backgroundPosition = "-" + (x * cx) + "px -" + (y * cy) + "px";
function getCursorPos(e) {
var a, x = 0, y = 0;
e = e || window.event;
/*get the x and y positions of the image:*/
a = img.getBoundingClientRect();
/*calculate the cursor's x and y coordinates, relative to the image:*/
x = e.pageX - a.left;
y = e.pageY - a.top;
/*consider any page scrolling:*/
x = x - window.pageXOffset;
y = y - window.pageYOffset;
return {x : x, y : y};
* {box-sizing: border-box;}
.img-zoom-container {
position: relative;
.img-zoom-lens {
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
/*set the size of the lens:*/
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
.img-zoom-result {
border: 1px solid #d4d4d4;
/*set the size of the result div:*/
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
<img class="ProductItem-gallery-slides-item-image" data-load="false" data-src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg" data-image="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg" data-image-dimensions="750x1124" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" data-position-mode="standard" data-parent-ratio="0.7" alt="White" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/58068e2f5016e12d2c5502ff/5807a2df8419c2ae30bc4d69/5a3dd5740852297f08f5a12c/1529335692585/White-Goldie-V-neck-Tee.jpg?format=500w" style="font-size: 0px; left: -0.312278px; top: 0px; width: 327.625px; height: 491px; position: relative;" id="yui_3_17_2_1_1530976058504_955" data-image-resolution="500w">
<div id="myresult" class="img-zoom-result"></div>