
时间:2018-07-07 12:20:13

标签: php wordpress paypal woocommerce


add_action ('save_post_shop_order', 'create_invoice_for_wc_order', 10,3);
function create_invoice_for_wc_order ($ order_id) {

$ order = wc_get_order ($ order_id);

    // Iterating through each "line" items in the order
    foreach ($ order-> get_items () as $ item_id => $ item_data) {

        // Get an instance of the corresponding WC_Product object
        $ product = $ item_data-> get_product ();
        $ product_name = $ product-> get_name (); // Get the product name
        $ item_quantity = $ item_data-> get_quantity (); // Get the item quantity
        $ all_qua = $ product-> get_stock_quantity ();

        $ diff = $ all_qua - $ item_quantity;

        wc_update_product_stock ($ product, $ diff);

        $ item_total = $ item_data-> get_total (); // Get the item line total

        // Displaying this data (to check)
        echo 'Product name:'. $ product_name. ' | | Quantity: '. $ Item_quantity.' | | All_Quantity: '. $ All_qua.' | | Item total: '. number_format ($ item_total, 2);
        // $ txt = fopen ("C: \\ ospanel \\ domains \\ joke.fuu \\ wp-content \\ themes \\ storefront \\ hhh.txt", "w");
        // fwrite ($ txt, $ new_status);


但是!它要挂在哪个挂钩上,以便它可以创建帖子? save_post仅适用于更新,wp_insert_post-也适用。


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