如何使用苗条框架在行式bot中实现flex message json?我在两天内进行了搜索,但未找到如何将flex message json实现到php或如何使用它。这是我的php
$app->post('/webhook', function ($request, $response) use ($bot, $pass_signature)
// get request body and line signature header
$body = file_get_contents('php://input');
// log body and signature
file_put_contents('php://stderr', 'Body: '.$body);
if($pass_signature === false)
// is LINE_SIGNATURE exists in request header?
return $response->withStatus(400, 'Signature not set');
// is this request comes from LINE?
if(! SignatureValidator::validateSignature($body, $channel_secret, $signature)){
return $response->withStatus(400, 'Invalid signature');
// kode aplikasi nanti disini
$data = json_decode($body, true);
foreach ($data['events'] as $event)
if ($event['type'] == 'message')
if($event['message']['type'] == 'text')
if($event['message']['text'] == 'menu')
// flex message json use here
// $textMessageBuilder = new TextMessageBuilder($event['message']['text']);
// $result = $bot->replyMessage($event['replyToken'], $textMessageBuilder);
return $response->withJson($result->getJSONDecodedBody(), $result->getHTTPStatus());