Function OneYearFwdRates(Mty As Range, Spots As Range) As Variant
Dim Maturities()
ReDim Maturities(Mty.Rows.Count) 'Mty is the range of maturities'
Dim SpotRates()
ReDim SpotRates(Spots.Rows.Count) 'Spots is the range of spot rates'
Dim OYFR() 'OYFR stands for One Year Forward Rates'
ReDim OYFR(Spots.Rows.Count)
Dim i
For i = 2 To Spots.Rows.Count - 2
OYFR(i) = (1 + SpotRates(i + 2)) ^ (Maturities(i + 2)) _
/ (1 + SpotRates(i)) ^ (Maturities(i)) - 1
Next i
OneYearFwdRates = OYFR
End Function
Forward Rate
Maturity Spot Rate f(x,1)
0.00 0.0200
0.5 0.0218
1.0 0.0231
1.5 0.0243
2.0 0.0253
2.5 0.0261
3.0 0.0268
3.5 0.0273
4.0 0.0277
4.5 0.0281
5.0 0.0284
5.5 0.0287
6.0 0.0289
6.5 0.0291
7.0 0.0293
7.5 0.0295
8.0 0.0296
8.5 0.0298
9.0 0.0299
9.5 0.0300
10.0 0.0301
10.5 0.0302
11.0 0.0303
11.5 0.0303
12.0 0.0304
12.5 0.0304
答案 0 :(得分:1)
分配任何值。只要范围是单行或单列,就不需要这些变量。 SpotRates(1)
Function OneYearFwdRates(Mty As Range, Spots As Range) As Double()
Dim OYFR() As Double 'OYFR stands for One Year Forward Rates'
ReDim OYFR(1 To Spots.Rows.Count, 1 To 1)
Dim i
For i = 2 To Spots.Rows.Count - 2
OYFR(i, 1) = (1 + Spots(i + 2)) ^ (Mty(i + 2)) _
/ (1 + Spots(i)) ^ (Mty(i)) - 1
' Debug.Print Spots(i), Mty(i)
Next i
OneYearFwdRates = OYFR
End Function
此函数返回一个数组,需要像其他任何数组公式一样使用 Ctrl + Shift + Enter 输入。