悲剧: 我正在尝试在App Webview中设置两个本地主机服务器之间的通信。因此,当单击第二个网页上的按钮时,我会将一些日志和数据发送回第一个网页。按下“后退”按钮时,该日志/数据应显示在第一个网页上。
问题: Webview总是在按下时重新加载第一个网页。这样可以防止将日志从第二个网页url添加到第一个网页。
注意:除App WebView外,它下面的html可以在模拟器/手机/台式机Chrome浏览器上正常运行。因此,Html / Js代码应该没问题。
第一个html页面: //我正在从第二个网页调用第一个html(index.html)的FeatureAPI
function FeatureAPI(url) {
alert("Feature initialized = " + url);
this.FeatureInitialize = function(value) {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "<br>" + "FeatureInitialize: " + value;
this.FeatureGetValue = function(element) {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "<br>" + "FeatureGetValue: " + element;
return "FeatureGetValue from Feature";
this.FeatureSetValue = function(element, value) {
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + "<br>" + "FeatureSetValue: " + element + "=" + value;
//Logic for second url to open on button click
function openSecondUrlOnButtonClick() {
window.open("http://emulatorlocalhost/abc.html", 'height=200,width=150');
//clip of view
<div class="centered">
<button id="openSecondUrlOnButtonClick" class="btn info" onclick="openSecondUrlOnButtonClick()">Open new url</button>
** Function getAPI()
** Inputs: none
** Return: If an API object is found, it's returned, otherwise null is returned
** Description:
** This function looks for an object named API, first in the current window's
** frame hierarchy and then, if necessary, in the current window's opener window
** hierarchy (if there is an opener window).
function getAPI()
var theAPI = findAPI(window);
if ((theAPI == null) && (window.opener != null) && (typeof(window.opener) != "undefined"))
theAPI = findAPI(window.opener);
if (theAPI == null)
alert("Unable to find an API adapter");
return theAPI
** Function findAPI(win)
** Inputs: win - a Window Object
** Return: If an API object is found, it's returned, otherwise null is returned
** Description:
** This function looks for an object named API in the supported window hierarchy
function findAPI(win)
while ((win.API == null) && (win.parent != null) && (win.parent != win))
// Note: 500 is a number that comes from the new IEEE API standard.
// See rational
if (findAPITries > 500)
alert("Error finding API -- too deeply nested.");
return null;
win = win.parent;
return win.API;
Android Fragment已实现了webview,此webview会从按钮单击中拦截第二个url,如下代码所示,以便加载到同一webview中。 (我知道我不应该在同一网页视图中加载,但是我在这里寻找建议吗?)
public static final String INSIDE_TEST_URL = "http://emulatorlocalhost/abc.html";
public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest webResourceRequest) {
final String url = webResourceRequest.getUrl().toString();
if (url.contains(INSIDE_TEST_URL)) {
return false;
} else if(mCurrentUrl != null && url != null && url.equals(mCurrentUrl)) {
return false;
mCurrentUrl = url;
return super.shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view, webResourceRequest);